HTG Meeting: Top Managed Services Providers Gather In OrlandoHTG Meeting: Top Managed Services Providers Gather In Orlando

Scores of managed services providers are attending this week's HTG All Meeting in Orlando, Fla. HTG President Scott Scrogin and Founder Arlin Sorensen earlier today provided some key business, financial and personal updates to MSPs at the conference. Here are five key highlights from this morning's keynote.

Joe Panettieri, Former Editorial Director

November 3, 2010

2 Min Read
HTG Meeting: Top Managed Services Providers Gather In Orlando

htg peer group logos

Scores of managed services providers are attending this week’s HTG All Meeting in Orlando, Fla. HTG President Scott Scrogin and Founder Arlin Sorensen earlier today provided some key business, financial and personal updates to MSPs at the conference. Here are five key highlights from this morning’s keynote.

First, a little background: HTG Peer Groups allow VARs and MSPs from non-competing regions to gather in private meetings, compare financial performance and develop strategies for business and personal success. The HTG All gathering coincides with the ConnectWise IT Nation conference, also this week in Orlando.

During today’s HTG keynote, Scrogin and Sorensen noted:

1. Fast Facts: Collectively, HTG’s membership represents 3,298 MSP and solutions provider employees. Each member company has an average of 13.8 employees. Collectively, HTG members drive a combined $612 million in annual revenues, and each company has roughly $22,392 in annual EBITDA per employee. That’s nearly $2,000 of EBITDA per employee per month, and each company averages roughly 12.1% of EBITDA margin.

2. Build a Legacy Plan: The session opened with a personal story about an HTG member who was nearly paralyzed in a freak trampoline accident. The key point made by Founder Arlin Sorensen: Stuff happens; preparation is the best gift we can give those we love; legacy must cover both personal and business; what happens after you?  If you don’t prepare, someone else decides.

3. Culture: The Culture of HTG is about being a “go giver” — adding value to every person in a peer group meeting room, asserted Sorensen. “Protect the culture of HTG and help the new folks as they drink from the fire hose to understand what we’re all about.”

4. Grow Deep: Sorensen outlined a “One, Four, One Million” strategy. I captured bits and pieces of it in my notes but plan to follow up with specifics later today. The overall goal is for HTG to represent the best 250 companies in the IT industry, Sorensen noted.

5. Cooperating and Competing: During the keynote, Mytech Partners Inc.’s Lyf Wildenberg described how the company is growing be cooperating with a range of companies — including competitors if such an engagement makes sense for the end-customer. “A lot of the apprehension I would have had was overcome by the common values we share in HTG,” said Wildenberg.

Stay tuned for more perspectives from the HTG gathering later today.

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About the Author

Joe Panettieri

Former Editorial Director, Nine Lives Media, a division of Penton Media

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