Who Are the Top 100 MSPs In North America, Europe, Australia (And More)...?Who Are the Top 100 MSPs In North America, Europe, Australia (And More)...?

Are you a top 100 Managed Services Provider? There's only one way to find out. Complete our fourth-annual MSPmentor 100 survey, which helps us to identify the world's top manged services providers. The survey runs through December 17, 2010, and we'll announce the fourth-annual MSPmentor 100 list in early 2011. But that's not all...

Joe Panettieri, Former Editorial Director

November 22, 2010

3 Min Read
Who Are the Top 100 MSPs In North America, Europe, Australia (And More)...?

MSPmentor 100 Logo 2008 2009 Top 100 MSPs

Are you a top 100 Managed Services Provider? There’s only one way to find out. Complete our fourth-annual MSPmentor 100 survey, which helps us to identify the world’s top manged services providers. The survey runs through December 17, 2010, and we’ll announce the fourth-annual MSPmentor 100 list in early 2011. But that’s not all… Here’s how to participate in the survey plus some background on how we compile the results. And most importantly: We explain how MSPs potentially benefit from participating in the survey.

You’ll find the current 2010-2011 survey and our previous results (2010, 2009, 2008) in our MSPmentor 100 center.

Background: Instead of ranking MSPs merely by total revenue, we calculate an index measurement using such metrics

  • overall revenue

  • overall managed services revenue

  • overall managed services revenue growth

  • percentage managed services revenue growth

  • managed services revenue per employee

  • systems remotely managed

This index approach ensures small, midsize and large MSPs from around the world are recognized on the MSPmentor 100.

What’s In It for You?

So, why should you participate in the survey? Here’s how previous MSPmentor 100 list members have benefited.

  • Search Engine Optimization: MSPmentor is ranked among the top 3 percent of all blogs on the web. When we write about your company and link to your company, Google notices. Readers notice. Potential investors notice. Traffic comes your way. Skeptical? Just check in with other MSPmentor 100 companies.

  • Claim to Fame: You’re welcome to brag about the MSPmentor 100 honor to your existing customers and your target customers. In return we request only one thing: Honest, accurate survey data from you.

  • Confidentiality: Although the MSPmentor 100 survey gathers key contact information (such as phone numbers and email addresses), we won’t sell or share that contact information.

New Steps this Year

We’re making a few enhancements to the survey this year. A few items worth noting:

  • International Lists: The overall MSPmentor 100 report is a global list. But MSPs in North America, Europe, Africa and Australia have asked us to publish MSPmentor reports that focus on each of their regions, which ensures we put the spotlight on more regional MSPs even if they don’t qualify for the global MSPmentor 100 list.

  • New Data Points: Got cloud? We know — it’s being hyped. But everyone’s talking cloud. And plenty of MSPs are doing cloud. We’re gathering the data to prove it. Also, MSPs have asked us to differentiate between desktop/mobile device management and server/network infrastructure device management. We’re doing so.

A Little History

We launched the first MSPmentor 100 survey in 2007 — before the production MSPmentor 100 site even went live. It was somewhat of a leap of faith. Hundreds of MSPs rewarded that leap of faith by completing that initial survey. Fast forward to 2010, and this is our fourth-annual MSPmentor 100 survey.

We appreciate the fact that you’re taking the time to complete the survey. And we look forward to publishing the survey results in early 2011.

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About the Author

Joe Panettieri

Former Editorial Director, Nine Lives Media, a division of Penton Media

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