M&A: Ancero Seeks Additional Managed Services AcquisitionsM&A: Ancero Seeks Additional Managed Services Acquisitions

Ancero LLC, which acquired a neighboring managed services provider (MSP) earlier this month, remains on the acquisition trail, according to an Ancero spokesperson.

Joe Panettieri, Former Editorial Director

January 13, 2011

1 Min Read
M&A: Ancero Seeks Additional Managed Services Acquisitions


Ancero LLC, which acquired a neighboring managed services provider (MSP) earlier this month, remains on the acquisition trail, according to an Ancero spokesperson. Here’s a closer look at Ancero’s decision to buy New Jersey neighbor Integrated Network Consulting Inc. (INC), plus some next potential moves for the company.

According to Brett Levy, director of communications and marketing at Ancero, the company had been discussing the INC acquisition for about four months before completing the deal. Ancero and INC, both based in New Jersey, have previously worked on joint business engagements and the five-person INC team is joining Ancero.

Levy declines to discuss the INC purchase price or the deal’s valuation but he confirms that INC was “marginally profitable.”

Looking ahead, Ancero is “actively looking at other acquisition opportunities in 2011,” Levy says. “Fortunately, we have been having double digit growth even during this economy. Our biggest growth areas the next few years will be through our channel sales and through acquisitions.”

MSPmentor continues to watch the M&A market closely, pointing out that some deals are very strategic and others are tactical. Ancero, for instance, considers the INC deal tactical, according to Levy. Read between the lines and it sounds like Ancero gains a broader client base, key engineering talent and a larger geographic footprint in New Jersey.

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About the Author

Joe Panettieri

Former Editorial Director, Nine Lives Media, a division of Penton Media

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