Small Business Marketing: Even Google Still Uses Direct Mail

Small business owners and managed services providers ask me all the time: How can they leverage Google Adwords to target local customer prospects? No doubt, Adwords is an effective tool for highly targeted, cost-effective marketing promotions. And those promotions can be global, regional or local in nature.

Joe Panettieri, Former Editorial Director

March 24, 2010

2 Min Read
Small Business Marketing: Even Google Still Uses Direct Mail

google direct mail small business marketing

Small business owners and managed services providers ask me all the time: How can they leverage Google Adwords to target local customer prospects? No doubt, Adwords is an effective tool for highly targeted, cost-effective marketing promotions. And those promotions can be global, regional or local in nature. But here’s a counter-intuitive thought: Maybe MSPs should spend more time on direct mail marketing. After all — even the Mighty Google is spending big dollars on direct mail campaigns. Here’s why.

First, the usual background: Nine Lives Media Inc. (MSPmentor’s parent) has had a Google Adwords account for about two years. We use free options like the Google Adwords Tool and the Google Adwords Traffic Estimator Sandbox Tool. I’ve certainly heard from MSPs who are using those tools and other offerings like Kutenda to help shape pay-per-click marketing campaigns.

But when I walked down my driveway and reached into my physical mailbox today, I pulled out a catchy direct mail piece from Google. It was a four-page overview that offered me more tips on using Google Adwords. I’m keeping the mailer and plan to give it a closer read tonight.

This wasn’t a one-time Google experiment. The search giant has me on a mailing list for Google Apps and CIO-related communications. In a January 2010 mailing, Google sent CIOs a paper-based calculator that showed businesses how much money they could save by switching to Google Apps.

What type of return on investment can direct mail offer? Perhaps this Direct Mail ROI Calculator can offer some food for thought.

I’m not a direct mail expert. But I do know direct mail remains a key theme for many workshops and education sessions hosted by MSP University, Robin Robins and other industry pundits. Apparently, even Google got the message.

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About the Author

Joe Panettieri

Former Editorial Director, Nine Lives Media, a division of Penton Media

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