Who Is the Channel Executive of the Year?Who Is the Channel Executive of the Year?
November 19, 2008
You tell us! But be sure to do so by Dec. 5!
All we need is your name, title and contact info and your nominee’s name, title and contact info. See below for details.
PHONE+ is calling for nominations for Channel Executive of the Year, to be featured in an upcoming issue of PHONE+ magazine and to be recognized at the Spring 2009 Channel Partners Conference & Expo. Click here to read about last year’s winner.
To be eligible for this designation, the channel executive must be the top person in the company’s channel operations – at the executive level of vice president or higher – at a telecom vendor (network operator/service provider/manufacturer). When considering nominating an executive, please consider the following criteria:
Leadership – To what extent does the nominee show leadership within the companies he/she has worked for, the business community at large, the communications industry and the channel?
Longevity – How long has the nominee been involved in developing the channel?
Innovation – To what extent does the nominee bring new ideas to the channel?
Contribution – To what extent does the nominee engage in activities to promote or advance the channel?
To nominate someone for this honor, please send your nomination via e-mail to PHONE+ Assistant Editor Cara Sievers at [email protected]. Please include the following:
Your name, title, company name
Your e-mail address and phone number
The nominee’s name, title, company name
The nominee’s e-mail address and phone number
You may also include any reasons for your nomination or details of this executive’s success, but it is not mandatory. Please be advised that your comments might be published in PHONE+ magazine or on the PHONE+ Web site, and you also might be contacted in the future to comment further on your nomination.
Please hurry! Nominations end at 5 p.m. Mountain time (7 p.m. ET) on Friday, Dec. 5, and they will not be accepted beyond this deadline.
Thanks for your help in determining the PHONE+ Channel Executive of the Year for 2009!
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