If I Were Launching an MSP Now | Shaun Sexton
September 19, 2017
By Vendor
Shaun Sexton, president of Cincinnati, Ohio-based Skynet Innovations, shares three suggestions he’d apply if he were launching an MSP from scratch today.
1. Start off using the best products and vendors – You may think saving money up front is a good thing, but it can cost you big time down the road to switch away from the bad ones or the smaller ones that can’t grow with you into the big ones.
Picking the right vendor right off the bat is very key and important.
2. Be careful who you listen to – People are inherently negative when it comes to how you should run an MSP or any business.
I found myself getting slowed down when listening to some people about it.
Following your gut feeling is always the best bet.
People tell you that an MSP model is a terrible model; to go from charging people by the hour to giving them unlimited labor for a set cost, when you can’t monitor that or guarantee somebody unlimited labor.
This sounds like a bad gig to a lot of people, but in reality it works out well.
People tell you to use specific vendors, give business advice and talk about how to run a business when they don’t know much about it themselves – but think they do.
Follow your gut. Follow your instincts.
You’re either cut out for this or you’re not and outside influences are only going to get in the way.
3. Be afraid to fail – The fear of failure is what makes people great.
Just don’t let that fear stop you from trying.
I’m a big believer in remembering people who believe in you, and remembering people who didn’t believe in you.
Both groups of people are very important to your success.
People that didn’t believe in you, that’s the fuel you need to get you through your days – your tough days.
And people that do believe in you, those are the people you celebrate all your successes with.
Editor’s note: Comments are edited to improve readability.
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