DBL to Distribute Wi-Ex ProductsDBL to Distribute Wi-Ex Products
February 14, 2007
DBL Distributing Inc. has a new partnership with Wi-Ex Inc. to distribute that companys brand of zBoost cell phone signal extenders.
Wi-Exs products improve signal strength for better voice and data transmission while maintaining the integrity of the carriers networks, the companies said.
Wi-Ex products carried by DBL include:
YX510-PCS/CEL, which handles all PCS or CEL protocols and continually adapts to signals to prevent interference to the wireless network.
YX610-PCS/CEL (Professional Installer Series), which also handles all PCS or CEL protocols but improves coverage up to 10,000 square feet. It includes an amplifier base unit, power supply, high-gain signal and base-unit antennas and mounting hardware.
YX200-PCS/CEL (Mobile/Car Installer Series), which is designed for consumers and extends a Wi-Ex cell zone for single or multiple users in a car.
YX500-CEL, which is a cell phone signal booster for 800MHz network carriers such as AT&T Inc. and Verizon.
YX500-PCS, which is a signal booster for 1,900MHz network carriers like Sprint Nextel Corp. and T-Mobile USA Inc.
DBL Distributing Inc. www.dbldistributing.com
Wi-Ex Inc. www.wi-ex.com
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