Six Questions to Ask Before Jumping Into A CloudSix Questions to Ask Before Jumping Into A Cloud
MSPmentor talks a lot about the power, promise, and perils of the cloud. But how can you know when it’s the right time to make the jump to SaaS? Update: Mike Martin of the US division of solutions provider Logicalis has six questions MSPs can ask to help make that decision. They're worth a read.
August 5, 2010

MSPmentor talks a lot about the power, promise, and perils of the cloud. But how can you know when it’s the right time to make the jump to SaaS? Update: Mike Martin of the US division of solutions provider Logicalis has six questions MSPs can ask to help make that decision. They’re worth a read.
Here are those six questions, taken directly from Logicalis’ — with MSPmentor’s commentary after:
What’s My Bottom Line? That means figure out what solutions you want to outsource and do your homework – do you need a cloud provider that can offer standard compliance? Do they have experience with the kind of cloud service you want?
How Transparent is that Cloud? As a customer or a partner, you should be able to find out about your prospective cloud platform’s security architecture. Logicalis recommends seeking a copy of their Statement on Auditing Standards No. 70 (SAS 70), the audit controls that ensure they meet government and industry requirements.
Where’s the Security Guard? This just means making sure your internal security is as good as the cloud providers, and that they mesh well. It doesn’t matter how secure the cloud provider is if your network is vulnerable.
Is It Legal? Make sure that whatever you put in the cloud is condoned by laws and regulations. If the cloud provider won’t commit to your audit request, that’s a huge warning sign that they’re not actually meeting compliance guidelines.
What’s the Address? As before, sometimes where the data is physically stored is just as important as how the data is secured. Government agencies especially require their data to have some kind of residency requirement in a specific jurisdiction.
Are They the Lone Ranger? Make sure that when you choose to partner with a cloud provider, that they’re willing to be a partner right back to you. Do they have references? Are they likely to go bankrupt in the next six months? Are they willing to sit down and listen to your concerns? If not, it might not be a healthy relationship to jump into.
“If you’re uneasy about jumping right into the cloud, start small with an easy, low-risk service,” Logicalis Director of Cloud Computing Mike Martin says, “and grow your usage of the cloud as you gain a comfort level with cloud services and how to manage your risk.”
A lot of this might seem like common sense, but with fear, uncertainty and doubt ruling the cloud space, one can never be too careful. And while it’s clear that this is a not-so-thinly veiled sales pitch for Logicalis cloud solutions, the company still makes a lot of really good points.
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