Microsoft Launches Office 365 Cloud Marketing CampaignMicrosoft Launches Office 365 Cloud Marketing Campaign
September 20, 2011

Microsoft is ready to put the Office 365 cloud productivity suite in the spotlight with the launch of a global marketing campaign carrying the slogan, “Microsoft Office 365: It all works together.”Why that tagline? According to an official Microsoft Office news blog:
Companies of all sizes, around the world, are rapidly adopting Microsoft Office 365 to dramatically change the way they collaborate and do business. Microsoft Office 365 delivers the industry’s most recognized set of productivity and collaboration tools—Office, SharePoint, Exchange, and Lync—in a cloud-based subscription service. People can videoconference, chat, share documents, socially network, and simultaneously edit documents from any location using a single, comprehensive suite, with the security and reliability businesses expect from Microsoft. It all works together.
And Microsoft promises there’ll be no escape from the onslaught of advertisements, with Office 365 making star turns in “a variety of print, online, billboard, radio and mobile spots.” And no matter where you go, Microsoft is promising no escape from learning about Office 365’s interoperability, whether you’re “passing through Piccadilly Circus or taking the Tokyo Metro.”
For Microsoft’s cloud partners, this campaign could be a fuzzy security blanket: Redmond hasn’t put an exact price tag on this campaign, but it sure speaks to a significant financial investment in Office 365’s future. For partners of competitors such as, say, Google, it’s potentially a poke in the eye every time they get on a subway car.
And either way, I doubt that Microsoft’s ad campaign is going to include an important statistic — the number and length of significant service disruptions Office 365 has experienced since launch. Maybe that slogan should read “Microsoft Office 365: It all works together, except for when it doesn’t work at all.”
Okay, that might be too cynical. Regardless, Microsoft Office 365 hasn’t been lucky enough to experience a problem-free debut. Keep watching TalkinCloud for more updates on Microsoft’s SaaS strategy.
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