Google Cloud Partner Program: Big Data Companies Jump InGoogle Cloud Partner Program: Big Data Companies Jump In
July 25, 2012

By samdizzy
Google Cloud Partner Program Big Data
When the Google Cloud Partner Program launched today, numerous cloud services providers (CSPs), integrators, consultants and Big Data software companies announced support for the effort. But who exactly is jumping on the Google Cloud Partner Program bandwagon? Here’s an early list of supporters, and what they had to say.The initial partners include (but are not limited to…)
– Agosto Inc., a Google Apps cloud services consulting firm. Agosto provides Google Cloud services and solutions including Google App Engine development, Google Cloud Storage, and Google APIs to help customers build and run applications, host sites and store and access data.
– CliQr Technologies provides a cloud application management platform, named CloudCenter. The company claims to simplify the process of on-boarding, testing and securely running applications on any private, public or hybrid cloud, including Google’s Compute Engine cloud service.
– Informatica Corp., a data integration software company, allows enterprises to securely move data to and from their on-premise and cloud IT systems and Google Cloud services such as Google Cloud Storage and Google BigQuery. The secret sauce is Informatica Cloud Connector for Google Cloud.
– Jaspersoft, a business intelligence platform provider. Jaspersoft is making available an open source connector for Google BigQuery customers who want to run business intelligence reports and analytics on the Google Cloud Platform. This technology connector brings Jaspersoft’s BI tools into the Google Cloud Platform, offering integrated access to reporting and business analytics.
– MapR Technologies, which offers an enterprise-grade distribution for Apache Hadoop. Back in June, MapR said it will make its Hadoop distribution available on Google Compute Engine. Now, customers can provision large MapR clusters on demand and take advantage of the cloud-based solution.
– Pervasive Software is preparing Pervasive RushAnalyzer for Google BigQuery. Users will be able to query multi-terabyte datasets to discover patterns and correlations that can transform their business, Pervasive claims.
– QlikTech helps customers and partners to build Business Discovery solutions that take advantage of the computing power and scalability of Google’s Cloud Platform.
– SADA Systems is applying software development expertise to Google App Engine, Google Cloud Storage, Google BigQuery and Google Compute Engine.
– SQLstream offers Big Data solutions that allow customers to act instantly on new information as it arrives, improving operational efficiency and driving new revenue opportunities, the company claims.
– Talend, provider of Open Studio for Big Data. The open source big data integration solution combines the power of Talend with Google BigQuery’s real-time analytics.
That’s just a sampling of first-round partners. Talkin’ Cloud will be watching to see which partners next jump into Google’s Cloud.
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