Gigaom, IndependenceIT: Capex Savings, Efficiency Drives DaaSGigaom, IndependenceIT: Capex Savings, Efficiency Drives DaaS
Gigaom Research and IndependenceIT have released a new report revealing that capex savings, disaster recovery efficiency and BYOD are driving the adoption of DaaS. Here's what the report found.
December 3, 2014

According to a new report from IndependenceIT and Gigaom Research, the key drivers for the adoption of desktop as a service (DaaS) include capex savings, disaster recovery efficiency and the ongoing bring your own device (BYOD) trend.
The report — which gathered data from interviews and survey responses conducted annually from Q4 2010 to the present from a group of approximately 200 end-user computing decision-makers — indicated several factors that are driving DaaS adoption, including:
Financial benefits that remove capex investment in favor of regular operating expenses, similar to most cloud services.
BYOD programs.
Data security, providing benefits over distributed desktops.
Business agility, which enables automated service provisioning as part of core business processes.
Desktop management because of shared virtual images that enable patches and updates to be employed to a single base image and propagated across a large number of virtual desktops within minutes.
Disaster recovery and business continuity that are less costly than other plans.
“App and DaaS delivery enabled by IndependenceIT’s Cloud Workspace Suite (CWS) provides important advantages for simplified IT management,” said Seth Bostock, CEO of IndependenceIT, in a prepared statement. “CWS automates and provides workflow for all solution components, making it the most simple solution to deploy and manage.”
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The survey found that the financial benefits were of most importance to organizations considering DaaS. According to Gigaom and IndependenceIT, it’s the most commonly-used reason among organizations looking at DaaS as an alternative to their existing desktop systems.
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