Friday Fun: Explaining the Cloud to Your Parents
The cloud may be part of your everyday life, but believe it or not, it's still a mystery to most of the population. Perhaps even your parents. In this post, we explain why this lack of cloud awareness is actually a good thing.
February 21, 2014
By Michael Brown 1
Let’s face it, MSPs know more about the cloud than 99 percent of the population. Yet despite this wealth of knowledge, it’s not always an easy thing for them to explain (never mind cloud-based file sharing). Consider, for instance, how little some of your prospects know about cloud-based technology, and then remember that most people know even less than that.
Want proof? Take a look at this painful news report.
My parents are a great indicator of how mature a technology has become. I no longer have to explain the internet or smartphones (thankfully), which tells me we’ve reached an important milestone. I do however still have to explain the cloud, using the most basic terms and analogies. I explain to them that it's basically internet storage of data; like a folder on their desktop that can be accessed anywhere, regardless of the device. That's about as far as I can get. I wouldn't even attenmpt to explain how it works.
Chances are, you might have to. As painful as these conversations can be, MSPs should consider this to be a good thing. It means cloud technology is still in its infancy. It means the real growth – especially with small businesses who want to understand this technology – is yet to come. It means you’re on the ground floor of an industry that’s about to get a lot bigger.
How do you explain the cloud to your parents or other non-technical people? Be sure to let us know.
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