CloudNOW: Amplifying Women in Cloud ComputingCloudNOW: Amplifying Women in Cloud Computing
CloudNOW's focus on amplifying women's contributions to technology with an emphasis on cloud computing continues.
August 20, 2014

By Lori MacVittie 1
In 2011, Jocelyn DeGance Graham, founded Cloud Network of Women (CloudNOW), which focused on amplifying women’s contributions to technology with an emphasis on cloud computing. In the past three years the organization has grown in both numbers, reach and its mission. Most recently the organization branched out to sponsor a Science Technology Engineering Mathematics (STEM) program focused not just on encouraging women to enter STEM, but on mentoring and guiding them into and through a career.
Its roots in cloud computing arise from the reality that cloud computing has been a boon for women in computing technology. Its relatively low cost eliminates a significant barrier to entry for start-ups and encourages women to take the helm and make their mark on the industry.
Likewise, the demand for cloud-based applications driven by increased mobility and the insatiable demand for applications across every industry offer women more opportunities and choices to expand and extend their technology careers in new directions. Cloud has been, for women, a multiplicative force for computing that continues to broaden the opportunities available in both technical and business leadership.
CloudNOW has been intimately involved with supporting and enabling a variety of women in such roles since its inception. Its appeal to women from the upper echelon to the trenches of cloud focused technology giants and startups alike makes the “network” all the stronger in amplifying not just contributions for women in cloud, but opportunities as well.
What do you think about networks supporting women in IT? Do there need to be more networks dedicated to promoting women in positions in cloud computing companies?
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