Asigra Cloud Backup 11 Supports Smartphones, Mobile TabletsAsigra Cloud Backup 11 Supports Smartphones, Mobile Tablets
Understanding a vast amount of employee productivity occurs outside the office, cloud backup and recovery provider Asigra has extended its Cloud Backup offering to support mobile devices including smartphones and tablets. “Asigra Cloud Backu
August 11, 2011
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Understanding a vast amount of employee productivity occurs outside the office, cloud backup and recovery provider Asigra has extended its Cloud Backup offering to support mobile devices including smartphones and tablets.
“Asigra Cloud Backup version 11 becomes the industry’s first enterprise cloud backup platform that supports tablets and smart phones,” said Ashar Baig, senior director of product marketing. And as more data is generated on mobile devices, more companies will look to solutions such as Asigra’s to protect that data.
Baig described the strategy in this MSPmentor FastChat Video:
“Tablets and smartphones are becoming more and more prevalent in the enterprise space,” Baig said. “These devices are being used for data generation and a lot of that data is the intellectual property of the company — data that is currently not protected. If you want to protect that data you have to sync it on your laptop and then hope your laptop can be backed up by your IT department.”
Asigra Cloud Backup is available for Apple iOS and Android OS devices via a downloadable app that connects to the Asigra cloud and enables real-time backup. Support for other mobile devices is planned for later in 2011.
As it targets mobile workers, Asigra also is offering its cloud backup to the consumer market through its DS-Consumer offering. DS-Consumer provides consumers with many of the same features in Asigra’s enterprise offering, including R2A, FIPS 140-2 certified security and data reduction (block-level deduplication and compression), and is accessed via a client on the consumer’s desktop or laptop computer.
Between Asigra Cloud Backup version 11 and DS-Consumer, Asigra’s MSP customers now a larger playing field, Baig said. “For service providers, this expands their total addressable market, so if traditionally they’ve had an enterprise-class solution with which they’ve gone after enterprise customers, now they can go to the same enterprise customers and provide them a more complete solution for more endpoint devices like tablets and smartphones. In addition to that, they can go after the consumer space with the DS-Consumer product and offer the consumer customers protection of their laptops and desktops as well as their tablets and smartphones. So it increases the total addressable market for those MSPs that are powered by Asigra.”
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