World Password Day – Are You Using Strong Passwords?World Password Day – Are You Using Strong Passwords?
Americans are still falling short of the mark when it comes to using strong passwords.

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Each year on the first Thursday of May, we observe World Password Day. Intel created it in 2013 to raise public awareness of the critical need for using strong passwords. But seven years later, the need is still there and perhaps even more critical than ever.
Today the world is practicing 20-second hand washings, social distancing, sheltering in place and face mask wearing to slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Similar due diligence by U.S. internet users is sorely needed to protect against the spread of cyber viruses and other threats. That’s according to a Webroot survey released last month.
Webroot and Carbonite (both OpenText companies) partnered with Wakefield Research to survey 10,000 U.S. consumers — 200 interviews in each of the 50 U.S. states — about their attitudes, perspectives and behaviors related to cybersecurity practices. Data from that survey determined each state’s susceptibility to cybercrime. The states were ranked in order from the worst to the best in terms of risk factors.
The Dangers of Weak Passwords
Americans are still falling short of the mark when it comes to using strong passwords. And as Webroot notes, “It’s particularly important for clients to exercise good password security hygiene and implement strong password requirements. Weak passwords can lead to breaches of client data. This reflects poorly on the security solutions in place, even when they weren’t to blame.”
Click through the following gallery to see where each state ranks — from worst to best — in using strong passwords and other steps to protect themselves and their data online.
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