Ulistic, JoomConnect: Marketing Mojo for ConnectWise MSPs?

Ulistic, a social media consulting firm, is partnering with JoomConnect to promote online marketing services for ConnectWise MSPs (managed services providers). Here are some preliminary details about the effort.

Joe Panettieri, Former Editorial Director

May 18, 2010

1 Min Read
Ulistic, JoomConnect: Marketing Mojo for ConnectWise MSPs?

Ulistic, a social media consulting firm, is partnering with JoomConnect to promote online marketing services for ConnectWise MSPs (managed services providers). Here are some preliminary details about the effort.

As you may recall, Ulistic is a social media consulting firm based in Calgary. The Ulistic team includes Stuart Crawford, a former MSP who has a strong following across blogs, Twitter and other social media pipelines. Meanwhile, JoomConnect of Oneonta, N.Y., connects the dots between ConnectWise (the professional services automation platform) and an MSP’s website. Together, Ulistic and JoomConnect say they will help MSPs to build end-to-end online marketing solutions.

No doubt, more and more consulting firms are trying to assist MSPs with search engine optimization (SEO), social media strategies and online marketing. From independent coaches to formal platforms like Kutenda, MSPs can choose from a range of SEO and marketing platforms.

Still, the Ulistic-JoomConnect connection is interesting, particularly because JoomConnect has a growing following within the ConnectWise partner base, which now exceeds 3,000 VARs and MSPs. Plus, ConnectWise itself builds marketing program management software into its PSA platform.

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About the Author(s)

Joe Panettieri

Former Editorial Director, Nine Lives Media, a division of Penton Media

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