Nearly One-third of Businesses Are Looking to Move from PC to Mac

Many talented people would prefer to use Macs for their work, but Macs don’t get nearly as much support as PCs in the MSP community, and the IT Management tools that are available for Macs can be frustrating. So what's the answer?

Stuart Crawford, Consultant

January 22, 2015

4 Min Read
Nearly One-third of Businesses Are Looking to Move from PC to Mac

Does your MSP firm offer Mac IT management? Last month I had a chance to sit down with Jason Dettbarn, founder and CEO of Addigy, Inc. Here is what I learned from Jason and in the mean time, unearthed a huge opportunity for managed service providers.

Listen to my interview with Jason from Addigy – click here.

The most successful businesses provide an answer to a problem that was previously unsolved. The problem that Addigy focuses on is that many talented people would prefer to use Macs for their work, but Macs don’t get nearly as much support as PCs in the MSP community, and the IT Management tools that are available for Macs can be frustrating. You have to set up servers, create packages, and pay for hours of training.

Addigy provides the tools necessary to keep Macs up to date and running smoothly, and they make it simple and easy to do so. Ulistic is 100% Mac-based, so we’re no stranger to the benefits that Macs provide over PCs and we really appreciate a stress-free Mac management.

“Enterprise organizations and mid-size organizations keep pushing back on bringing Macs into the organization because they lack the tools to manage them properly,” Dettbarn said in our interview.   “And that’s the problem, all the products on the market today are very heavy and difficult to get started with, and we saw a big opportunity to help those organizations manage their Macs.”

We asked Dettbarn: Are MSPs missing the mark when it comes to Macs?

“I think they are,” he replied. “When it comes to Macs, because they don’t have the right tools, they’re shoving a few of those deals away. But, on the PC side, as we’ve seen in the last 3 or 4 years, there’s a race to the bottom of the margins for services. Other competitors try to come in and they negotiate their rates down even further every month.

“On the Mac side, these are organizations that invest more money in their IT assets. They invest more in that aluminum hardware, and they really require those people that are using them to develop and create a lot of expensive products. And that’s why the actual margins are a lot better on the Mac side.”

So what does Addigy do, specifically? Dettbarn illustrated his company’s strengths with some quick rhetorical role-play.

“Where are all my assets at, and what is the state of them?” he explained, playing the role of the Mac user in need of some IT help. “Are the drives encrypted? [Am I] low on disk space? Am I approaching my warranty dates?”

Addigy is able to keep track of the answers to those questions and more.

“At any moment we can see where those assets are at and take action,” Dettbarn continued, shifting perspective back to first person. “We can go and apply policies and this is a big difference compared to everybody else in the marketplace. You don’t create packages, you just choose from a catalog of software. There are a couple hundred software applications we offer. You just choose those, and push them out to the machine. There’s no on-premise server required, nothing’s required other than just a cloud account.”

There this is a myth that Macs are inherently virus-free, impregnable machines, but this is not truly the case. Addigy will make sure that your Macs are actually free of infection. They will also implement the latest and most advanced encryption techniques for better security and provide inventories of the current state of your Apple systems, including your CPU, memory, and hard drive capacity.

They are able to do all this tinkering remotely without interrupting the user on the other end, so you can continue working on whatever they’re doing while simultaneously Addigy works under the hood to make your Mac faster and more secure.

Addigy is based in Miami, Florida, that weird and wild city at the very bottom of United States. Mired between beautiful beaches to the east and muggy swamps rife with lurking alligators to the west. Take note: you can’t afford to stop offering Mac IT management for your clients. The game is changing, and businesses are moving away from the traditional PC. To learn more about Addigy’s approach to Mac IT management, call Jason today at (305) 330-6677.

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About the Author

Stuart Crawford

Consultant, Ulistic

Stuart Crawford is Creative Director and MSP Marketing Coach with Williamsville, NY and Burlington, ON-based Ulistic, a specialty firm focused on information technology marketing and business development. He brings a wealth of knowledge and experience pertaining to how technology business owners and IT firms can use marketing as a vehicle to obtain success.

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