Impartner Develops Partner Portal Analytics Solution for Vendors

Partner portals are a great way for solution providers to access vendor benefits and learn about new product and service opportunities, but not all allow vendors to access analytics data on their partner ecosystem that can help them understand partner performance metrics.

Michael Cusanelli, Associate Editor

September 15, 2015

2 Min Read
Impartner Develops Partner Portal Analytics Solution for Vendors

Partner portals are a great way for solution providers to access vendor benefits and learn about new product and service opportunities, but not all allow vendors to access analytics data on their partner ecosystem that can help them understand partner performance metrics.

With this in mind, SaaS Partner Relationship Manager software vendor Impartner has developed a partner performance intelligence solution so vendors and distributors can analyze their “return on channel investment” (ROCI) by viewing individual and overall partner performance data.

“ROCI is the No. 1 concern of channel chiefs, and partner portals are already a gold mine of information on lead follow up, closure rates, marketing performance and sales results,” said Dave R. Taylor, Impartner’s chief marketing officer, in a statement. “With Impartner Intelligence, we crack open what has been a black box and allow you to see how your individual and collective partners are performing, work with them to plan and manage their performance the same as you do your direct sales team, and truly be able to view and optimize your channel investments.”

Impartner said its Intelligence solution will allow vendors to manage closure rates, leads follow up, marketing performance and sales results, with additional business planning capabilities for individual partners. The business planning tools will include ways for vendors to measure partner business plans and benchmark performance system-wide, according to the announcement. The solution will include integrated compatibility at launch, with support for additional CRM solutions expected by the end of the year.

The addition of a two-way partner portal is necessary because vendors are increasingly measuring partners not just on revenue contributions but more holistically based on customer relationships and education, according to Forrester. By giving manufacturers more insight into the other activities partners contribute besides net revenue, they can effectively create a “report card”-like analysis of individual resellers for more nuanced decision-making.

“At the end of the day, all companies want to grow and scale their partner network and invest with the right partners. The struggle is to figure out where to focus channel investments that provide the highest return, and Impartner Intelligence provides the insight the industry has been looking for between the budget request and the revenue delivered,” said Taylor. “This gives vendors the transparency they need into their partner’s performance to ensure predictable, repeatable results.”

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About the Author

Michael  Cusanelli

Associate Editor, Penton Technology Group, Channel

Michael Cusanelli is the associate editor for Penton Technology’s channel properties, including The VAR Guy, MSPmentor and Talkin' Cloud. He has written articles and produced video for and is a graduate of Stony Brook University's School of Journalism in New York. In his spare time Michael likes to play video games, watch sci-fi movies and participate in all things nerdy. He can be reached at [email protected]


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