HEIT Still Banking on Managed ServicesHEIT Still Banking on Managed Services

Imagine focusing your business on the financial services vertical during the global economic crisis. Somehow, HEIT -- an MSPmentor 100 company -- did exactly. And the results have been impressive. HEIT's latest move includes a close relationship with Plumas Bank of California.

Joe Panettieri, Former Editorial Director

November 30, 2009



Imagine focusing your business on the financial services vertical during the global economic crisis. Somehow, HEIT — an MSPmentor 100 company — did exactly. And the results have been impressive. HEIT’s latest move includes a close relationship with Plumas Bank of California. Here’s a look at the strategy, including thoughts from CEO Dan Holt (pictured).

Instead of retreating during the economic meltdown, Holt remained highly visible, building close working relationships with the MSPAlliance, Cisco Systems and a range of regional banks and credit unions. A prime example: Holt appeared in this managed services video about MSP-to-MSP partnering, care of Cisco Systems…

In most company communications, Holt reinforces HEIT’s financial services expertise. In his latest email to me Holt noted several banking trends and a new relationship with California-based Plumas Bank. He wrote:

With the impending FDIC prepaid assessments due before year’s end, many community banks are freeing up capital and finding ways to reduce NIE [short for noninterest expenses] to meet the unprecedented requirement. Some are outsourcing critical IT and compliance functions to trusted providers. Such is the case with California-based Plumas Bank ($500M assets) who recently formed a strategic partnership with HEIT, Inc., a national technology management provider, to outsource performance, compliance, and security services including an outsourced help desk.

I must concede: I don’t really know what NIE stands for nor am I familiar with Plumas Bank. But that’s exactly the point. Over and over again, Holt positions HEIT as the go-to MSP for local banks and credit unions. He’s always on-message — which builds trust with financial services customers.

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About the Author

Joe Panettieri

Former Editorial Director, Nine Lives Media, a division of Penton Media

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