Voicecom Announces Wholesale Internet Voice MailVoicecom Announces Wholesale Internet Voice Mail
February 15, 2005
Voicecom Telecommunications LLC (Booth 217) announced the availability of a new product, Internet Voicemail, to its suite of voice mail offerings available for reseller in its wholesale channel. Voicecom Internet Voicemail allows users to capture phone messages and fax messages and listen to them through their current e-mail inboxes.
By adding this product to the current offerings for residential and business customers, Voicecom says CLECs are able to compete with local phone companies on a more level playing field. Internet Voicemail is a product that was solely offered by the local Bell companies, says Frank Paterno, Voicecoms vice president of marketing.
By adding this service to our suite of voice mail offerings CLECs are able to target customers that would have had to choose a Bell company as their provider if they wanted an Internet voice mail service.
Ideally suited for CLEC or ISP companies already offering Internet service, Voicecom Internet Voicemail provides subscribers with personal DID or toll-free numbers that capture voice and fax messages and sends them to the subscribers e-mail addresses. The service provides all the standard features of a regular voice mail such as play, keep, delete and pause, skip, forward and rewind plus additional features like email by phone and nationwide network messaging.
Voicecom Internet Voicemail allows subscribers to check messages while online so they do not need to disconnect from the Internet to check voice mail messages. Voicecom has been partnering with CLECs for more than five years and currently is servicing more than 300,000 end users through more than 40 wholesale partnerships. Voicecom offers a range of back-office integration options to speed the implementation cycle.
Voicecoms solutions include automated attendants, customized interactive voice response systems, voice mail, voice messaging and conference calling.
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