
Channel Partners

October 1, 2003

2 Min Read
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Posted: 10/2003


The nature of the regulatory process tends to obscure rather than clarify
the key dynamics. Regulations emerged in telecommunications to resist the
anti-consumer tendencies of monopolies. The FCC order considers the risks of
monopoly regarding analog Plain Old Telephone Service, but it ignores the long
monopoly track record regarding broadband connectivity.

Jeff Pulver, CEO of pulver.com, in response to the release of the Federal
Communications Commissions order in its Triennial Review of ILEC unbundling

Techies Worst Nightmare?

More than a third of the IT staff members questioned in a July
survey rate the loss of e-mail more traumatic than events such as a car accident
or getting a divorce.

While 99 percent of the staff of the companies polled
large-scale organizations employing 500-plus staff report they back up
e-mail and attachments, the new research from Dynamic Markets and sponsored by
VERITAS Software Corp. shows 56 percent of these companies have at least some of
their e-mail locations excluded from automated backup. While 39 percent of
respondents say e-mail could be used as legal evidence for or against their
company, 46 percent say it would be difficult to locate and retrieve a
particular e-mail on the system if it was requested. While 92 percent of the
organizations surveyed claim to have the ability to recover e-mails, research
reveals only one-fifth (18 percent) can recover e-mails from further back than a
year, 30 percent are able to recover back only to one month, and a staggering 11
percent can only recover from the previous week or less.


Members of the New Edge Networks Inc. board of directors donned pirate
outfits to walk the plank," making good on their pledge to do so when the broadband services provider
achieved positive cash flow. New Edge Networks achieved the key financial
milestone in June 2003. Self-proclaimed as the Pirates of Telecom,New Edge
Networks was formed in June 1999 and its current annual revenue is about $100
million. The traditional Jolly Roger black flag with skull and crossbones
flies outside its offices in Vancouver, Wash. (Pictured left to right: David
Sze, Greylock; Peter Wagner, Accel Partners; Dan Moffat, president and CEO, New
Edge Networks; Sherry Stolack, Goldman Sachs & Co., and; Rich Shapero,
Crosspoint Venture Partners).

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