Level 3's Storey to Become CenturyLink's CEOLevel 3's Storey to Become CenturyLink's CEO
But first, when the CenturyLink-Level 3 merger is final, Level 3’s Jeff Storey will become CenturyLink’s president and chief operating officer.

Jeff Storey, president and CEO of Level 3 Communications, will become CenturyLink’s president and chief operating officer – and eventually its CEO – after the companies’ merger is final.
Level 3’s Jeff Storey
CenturyLink anticipates gaining the remaining state, federal and international approvals in time to complete its acquisition by Sept. 30. After the closing, Glen Post III will remain CenturyLink’s CEO, but it is expected that Storey will succeed him on Jan. 1, 2019.
Post then will become executive chairman of the company’s board of directors.
CenturyLink spokesperson Debra Peterson tells Channel Partners that, as a result of the Level 3 buy, “we expect to offer our enterprise customers and partners a broader and more complementary range of services and solutions, positioning the combined company to enable the advanced technology and growing bandwidth needs of all customers.”
Storey said Post has done an “exceptional job leading CenturyLink over the last 25 years, steadily transforming the company to become a leading international communications provider.”
“I strongly believe in the combination of the two companies and I am very excited to become part of the CenturyLink management team after the transaction closes,” he said. “I look forward to continuing to work with Glen to drive a successful integration, an outstanding customer experience and growth in shareholder value. The opportunities ahead of us are exciting and I am committed to building on this impressive foundation.”
CenturyLink’s headquarters will remain in Monroe, Louisiana.
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