March 1, 2000
Walled In: Why IP Voice Is Held Captive
(And, What Carriers, Vendors Are Doing to Set
it Free)
By Charlotte Wolter
IP voice carriers face towering barriers between their networks, but a few
chinks may be starting to appear in those walls.
Should You Be A Reseller Or Distributor?
By Neil S. Ende
What’s in a name? Plenty. How you define your company can impact your regulatory
exposure and your ability to enter into other lines of business with a minimum
of cost and delay.
Foreign Carriers Try to Crack the U.S. Market
By Ken Branson
The United States, whose citizens like to call their country the land of
opportunity, has become the land of necessity for international telecom
Wholesale Market Caught in Cyclone of Innovation
By David Laughland
According to a recent study, the next few years will be driven by a cyclone of
innovation and a surge of new business models that will fundamentally transform
today’s telecom wholesale market in the United States.
Supplier Support: Deal Maker or Breaker
By Jill Collins
While a competitive rate is important, the support, or lack thereof, provided to
agents can make or break a supplier relationship. Independent agents need to
know what support to expect, what not to expect and what perks might be worth
choosing one vendor over another.
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