How Will Agents Master-Mind Change?How Will Agents Master-Mind Change?
January 15, 2008
By Peter Radizeski, RAD-INFO
Napoleon Hill in his best-selling effort, Think and Grow Rich, discusses the methods that millionaires achieved their wealth. One of the ways was the Master Mind Group. Edison and Ford were friends. They encouraged each other and supported each other. (When Edison’s labs burned down, Ford gave Edison a check to rebuild, saying that, “We need you back at work.”) Harvey Firestone, John Burroughs, naturalist Luther Burbank, and occasionally, President Harding, all went camping with Edison and Ford. Now that’s mental firepower.
YPO, Live Out Loud and a few other organizations encourage a Master Mind Group approach for wealth building. As Loral Langemeier says, wealth is a team sport!
Why all this talk about MMG’s? Well, the agent channel is in the beginning of a great change. We have the Channel Partners Expo coming up in two months. I’d like to meet with five or six independent agents at the show to talk about career development. Where do you see the channel going? What wave will you be surfing (VoIP, SAAS, TDM, IP)? How can we help each to continue to be successful?
If interested, please contact me via e-mail to [email protected] or call me at +813 963 5884. Thanks for reading.
Peter Radizeski is president of RAD-INFO. He can be reached at [email protected].
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