Evolve IP Steps In to Aid Mudslide VictimsEvolve IP Steps In to Aid Mudslide Victims
Believing that doing good is as important as doing well, the cloud provider is committed to giving back.

During the early morning hours of Tuesday, Jan. 9, a winter storm dumped torrential rains on the slopes of the Santa Ynez Mountains, which had only days earlier been scorched by the massive Thomas Fire, the largest wildfire in modern California history. According to the LA Times, the storm at one point dumped a half-inch of rain on the fire-scarred ground in less than 30 minutes. As a result, in Santa Barbara County, rivers of mud, boulders and debris swept down the hillside, destroying everything in their paths. To date, 21 people are known to have been killed by the mudslides.
Not only did the damage and loss caused by the dual tragedies leave community members reeling, but the nature of the disasters severely limited the number of local mental-health professionals available to provide counseling. Barely a week later, however, cloud provider Evolve IP and 805 Counselor Connect, a not-for-profit counseling organization, had teamed up to offer a hotline that puts fire and mudslide victims in touch with counselors across the U.S.
Evolve IP provided the pro bono contact center so that those needing counseling could instantly connect with a licensed or specially trained counselor by calling a local number, (805) 979-9091, or visiting the 805 Counselor Connect website and clicking to call. The hotline launched with operating hours of 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. (PST) on weekdays, but hours are expanding as more counselors become available. The hotline will remain operational as long as it’s needed.
Evolve IP became involved in the project when they were contacted by Heather Wennergren, the IT director for one of their clients and a volunteer at 805 Counselor Connect.
“With a background in psychology, and now in my role with IT and communications, it occurred to me that only counseling – and a lot of it – could help this community deal with the tragic situations experienced by so many friends, loved ones and rescuers,” Wennergren said. “I had recently seen a demo of Evolve IP’s contact center and I knew that it would solve our issue of connecting a nationwide network of therapists.”
Evolve IP’s Rich Fox
“When Heather asked if we could help with the program, we said ‘yes’ without hesitation,” said Rich Fox, vice president of contact center for Evolve IP. “We’re incredibly thankful for the therapists who are volunteering, as well as all of the heroic first responders who continue to put their lives on the line to keep us safe.
Saying yes without hesitation to a community need is a basic tenet for the Philadelphia area-based Evolve IP. According to Scott Kinka, the chief technical and product development officer and founding partner of the company, community service “has been essential to Evolve from the beginning.” Evolve Cares, the company’s community service program, encourages company associates to identify and participate in the activities of local organizations and charities. Since Evolve IP was started in 2006, the company has donated and raised more than $6 million for community projects. And since 2009, more than 6,000 volunteer hours have been donated by Evolve IP associates.
“Some of these projects are ongoing and some are one-time, such as a fundraising event,” Kinka told Channel Partners. Associates are encouraged to suggest projects with which Evolve Cares can become involved. Activities run the gamut from …
… packing meals at Philadelphia’s Metropolitan Area Neighborhood Nutrition Alliance (MANNA) kitchen, sponsoring lemonade stands to benefit Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation‘s fight against childhood cancer and helping Cradles to Crayons provide children at risk with fully loaded backpacks with which to start the school year, to being a sponsor of Junior Achievement‘s Philadelphia Business Hall of Fame Event, being a supporter of Innovative Technology Action Group (ITAG) programs and hosting food drives for the Chester County Food Bank.
Evolve IP’s Scott Kinka
Kinka himself is a member of the steering committee of Telecom for Change, a 501(c)(3) recognized organization comprised of telecom agents and carriers that dedicate their time and resources to providing aid to grassroots charities across the U.S. As the result of a casual conversation with the organization’s co-founders, Angie Reif Tocco and Laura Chalk Dashney, (who also co-founded LanYap Networks) while walking down Bourbon Street when in New Orleans to attend Cloud Partners, a Channel Partners event (now Channel Partners Evolution), Kinka has been involved with Telecom for Change since that night in 2014.
Since its inception, the group has raised $278,000 for local grassroots charities that are often overlooked and underfunded. Telecom for Change’s donations go directly to the cause rather than to administrative costs.
The linchpin of Telecom for Change’s fundraising activities is their annual charity golf event held each year in conjunction with the Channel Partners Conference & Expo in Las Vegas. This year’s event will be held April 16, 2018.
“It’s an unbelievable event and group,” said Kinka. He explained that each year, Telecom for Change selects “a singular, but pertinent charity” to receive the proceeds from the golf event. This year’s recipient will be one of the Las Vegas medical centers impacted by last October’s tragic shootings at the Route 91 Harvest music festival on the Strip.
Kinka emphasized that the Channel Partners community is exceptional in its response to Telecom for Change events and community service in general. “Their generosity with their time, money and resources is incredible,” he said.
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