COMPTEL: IRIS Networks Selects UDP's CABS ServiceCOMPTEL: IRIS Networks Selects UDP's CABS Service
February 26, 2008
UDP (Booth 825), an OSS and billing service provider to ILECs, CLECs, ISPs and cable companies, signed a multiyear contract with Nashville-based IRIS Networks to provide their carrier access billing.
IRIS Networks delivers high-speed transport for voice, video and data in and around Tennessee. IRIS offers dedicated point-to-point digital transport and other optical services to CLECs, ISPs, long-distance companies, wireless providers and companies offering high-end video content.
“We are very pleased to add IRIS Networks to our growing list of client-partners,” said Joel Daniels, CIO of UDP. “UDPs GALAXY platform offers a highly configurable rating engine that easily handles their unique intra-county rating plan quickly and efficiently, he said.
Tim Jackson, switch manager for IRIS, said We chose UDP over the other vendors based on their in-depth knowledge of carrier access billing systems (CABS) as well as their timelines for migrating our billing over. Their ability to move fast and transition our CABS as well as implement new reporting and other custom requirements was very impressive.
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