Bloggers Gone Wild

Channel Partners

October 1, 2005

2 Min Read
Bloggers Gone Wild

Attending a Sun Devil football or basketball game is now a high-tech, free-forall experience. Fans of the Arizona State University teams can blog onto an interactive big screen during the pre-game events, thanks to Verizon Wireless, which is ASUs exclusive wireless provider.

This TXT-2-Screen technology helps Sun Devil fans create pre-game entertainment for everyone in the stadium, says Tami Erwin, regional president for Verizon Wireless. Fans can show support for the team and the university, send score predictions and even communicate with other game-goers.

The carrier has added two digital cell sites to the main campus in Tempe, Ariz., and installed interactive big screen TXT-blogging. Before each game, fans will see a message on the video board screen inviting them to send a text message to a number. Messages appear in front of the entire audience seconds after they are sent.

Spamology: Whats the Most Common Spam Type?

Prescription drug offers. Financing ads. Pornography. These three species of spam top the list of unsolicited e-mails corporate users and consumers see on their computers daily.

Mirapoint, which develops messaging technologies, recently surveyed 800 end users and found corporate users tagged prescription drug ads as the most common type of spam followed by financing offers, while consumers said their inboxes are most likely to be clogged with financing offers followed by prescription drug ads. Both groups surveyed agreed porn was the third most common type of spam.

Among the unusual spam reported by respondents were ads for antispam solutions.


VoIP moves at 10 to 20 times the speed of everything else and just keeping up is a struggle. So it is a tough situation. And the flexibility of IP is both a positive and a negative because that flexibility makes for better and more feature-rich capabilities, but flexibility is a problem because we dont have a flexible 911 system though we have been pushing for it since 2001.

Roger Hixson, technical issues director for the National Emergency Number Association, on why the regulators are struggling with VoIP and E911.

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Arizona State University www.asu.eduMirapoint www.mirapoint.comVerizon Wireless

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