NextGen 101 Profile: Binatech System Solutions Gets Creative with COVID-19

The MSP recognized the need to shift in its methodology and best practices due to COVID-19 and updated its approach.

Allison Francis

December 23, 2021

4 Min Read
Light bulb creativity

Company Name: Binatech System Solutions

Company NextGen 101 Rank: 98

CEO: Joan Haworth

Headquartered: Hamilton, Ontario

Primary Services:  IT support, computer support, ERP solutions, voice recognition solutions, and business technology services.

Twitter: @binatechss

MSPs all over the world were forced to think outside of the box when the pandemic rocked the world. Binatech System Solutions was no exception. When COVID-19 hit, the company shifted from primarily on-premises, and had to get creative in its efforts to supply the same support.


Binatech System Solutions’ Joan Haworth

CEO Joan Haworth talks about this and other shifts the company made, and the new opportunities and challenges that have come from them.

Channel Futures: What new opportunities and challenges came with the global COVID-19 pandemic?

Joan Haworth: COVID-19 has disrupted companies in a multitude of ways. Each of these challenges provides a platform for opportunity.

One of the challenges that came with the pandemic was providing ergonomic equipment to quickly shift to work from home. At the time, there was a national shortage of office equipment. So we reached out to additional vendors and found new sources to gather enough resources to support our team. This allowed us to provide continued, exceptional support to our clients and also allowed us to keep our staff active throughout the lockdown in a safe environment.

We were also required to shift our methodology and best practices. Before the pandemic, we utilized on-premises support on a daily and consistent basis. This approach is important as it provides a more personal and connected relationship with our clients and also helps to separate us from other companies. 

Download the full 2021 MSP 501 list here. Then keep your eyes on this space for the 2022 MSP 501 application period to open!

We implemented more video calling and meetings with our clients to allow for personalized interaction. We were also creative in our efforts to supply the same support that would normally be provided on-premises. By shipping eligible equipment and working remotely with our clients, we were able to help them comply with COVID-19 restrictions. We were also able to keep our employees and theirs safe during this time.

CF: Have you ever turned a nightmare client into a dream client? Tell us how.

JH: It never ceases to amaze us what we find when we go in to provide IT assessments for potential IT partners. However, what we have found is that there’s always a better solution. And, oftentimes, it can save money in the long term. The on-premises shift, for example. We rely on our tech stack (defined at every level) and on our senior architects to build something that works. 

We use consistent familiar designs that we know work with a scale of 10 users or 100 users. By doing this, we eliminate the need to reinvent the wheel each time we encounter a less than ideal setup. There aren’t any bad clients; rather, there are frustrated clients who have not been given excellent architecture and solutions. So when we show up and do that, it earns us a customer for life.

CF: If applicable, why are you a business owner instead of working for someone else? What is the allure of entrepreneurship to you?

JH: There are so many reasons I choose to be a business owner. One of the main ones is motivation. I’m happy to wear multiple hats, overcome challenges and work overtime to build this organization. New opportunities to challenge yourself will present themselves every day. To be creative and learn something new. The great thing is I rarely experience the same day twice. Because every day, I learn something new about the act of owning a business. The things that I learn every day just to keep the business on track fascinate me. Whether it’s something about taxes, about accounting, or the plethora of other things that go into running a company, it’s never dull.

I also have an allergy to red tape. Rather than wait for approval – or for the guidebook to be written about how to do something – I like to get things done.

I like the idea that we give back to the communities we operate in with the products and services we offer. Contributing to charities, creating jobs, that sort of thing. I take great pride in knowing that I’m solving a problem others have and creating opportunities for people.

There is also a sense of pride you establish in building something of your own. There is nothing like being successful through your own leadership, abilities, ideas and efforts.

Want to contact the author directly about this story? Have ideas for a follow-up article? Email Allison Francis or connect with her on LinkedIn.

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About the Author

Allison Francis

Allison Francis is a writer, public relations and marketing communications professional with experience working with clients in industries such as business technology, telecommunications, health care, education, the trade show and meetings industry, travel/tourism, hospitality, consumer packaged goods and food/beverage. She specializes in working with B2B technology companies involved in hyperconverged infrastructure, managed IT services, business process outsourcing, cloud management and customer experience technologies. Allison holds a bachelor’s degree in public relations and marketing from Drake University. An Iowa native, she resides in Denver, Colorado.

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