Are Your Client’s Business Records Protected from Catastrophe?Are Your Client’s Business Records Protected from Catastrophe?

As people who live along the Gulf Coast and Eastern Seaboard know, hurricane se

September 24, 2009

3 Min Read
Are Your Client’s Business Records Protected from Catastrophe?

By Maurice Saluan 1



As people who live along the Gulf Coast and Eastern Seaboard know, hurricane season is in full swing. For residents there, checking flashlight batteries and having sheets of plywood ready to cover windows are annual rites. But when a major storm system does loom on the horizon, there’s still an inevitable swirl of commotion as people near the sea head for safer habitats. Perhaps forgotten in concern for personal safety are thoughts of company financial records and business data. While skies and minds are clear, it may be a good time to start a conversation with your customers about their business continuity plans.

Even if your market is far from any body of water larger than a duck pond, there’s still no time like the present for talking to unprotected customers about a backup and disaster recovery (BDR) solution. In addition to fires, floods and other catastrophes (natural or man-made), server crashes have been known to occur in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and all of Canada.

The Compelling Case for Business Continuity Planning

Business continuity planning (BCP) should be seen as necessity by owners of small and midsized businesses (SMBs). According to a study by the Gartner Group, 43 percent of companies were immediately put out of business by a “major loss” of computer records, and another 51 percent permanently closed their doors within two years — leaving a mere six percent survival rate.

In devising a BCP, business owners need to consider and address:

  • Risk of losing vital business data, such as customer records

  • Industry regulatory compliance requirements such as the Healthcare Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) as well as other local, state and federal laws

  • Environmental hazards to business infrastructure

  • Time necessary to recover if disaster strikes

  • What happens if you don’t have a business continuity plan in place

Though data loss may be catastrophic, the expense of optimal, in-house BCP strategies and solutions are beyond the budgets of many smaller businesses. The challenge comes in finding an affordable BDR solution that will perform the following:

  • Be relatively easy to implement and maintain

  • Provide quick restore or recovery times

  • Be able to restore files, emails or attachments

  • Ensure all backed-up data is encrypted and otherwise kept safe

  • Restore backed-up data to different kinds of servers in the event of catastrophe

  • Continue data backup even during active recovery phases

  • Monitor and manage ongoing data backup processes so failures can be diagnosed and remedied before adversely impacting the BCP lifecycle

And most importantly, the BDR solution should enable an organization to get back to business within minutes rather than hours or days after a system failure.

Finding Solutions

Not by coincidence, Zenith Infotech works closely with MSPs and VARs on business continuity. In minutes, Zenith Infotech’s business continuity solution can restore files, file folders, emails, or email attachments. In addition, if a server crashes, you can perform a manual failover to the BDR device in approximately 15 minutes. Sold under your own brand, this reasonably priced, all-encompassing solution includes:

  • Frequent full, block-level backups

  • Standby server virtualization

  • Bare metal restorations to dissimilar hardware

  • Optional Offsite Storage

With Zenith backup and disaster recovery solution, you can easily and profitably provide your customers with secure, effective and affordable protection for their irreplaceable business records. Visit us to learn more.

Zenith Infotech’s Maurice SaluanNote: Maurice Saluan is VP-Channel Management for Zenith Infotech as well as seasoned sales veteran in the managed service arena. Guest blog entries such as this one are contributed on a monthly basis as part of’s 2009 Platinum sponsorship. Find all of Saluan’s blog entries here.

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