Integra Telecoms Steve Warren Named Top 15 Channel Manager 2010

Integra Telecom's Steve Warren was named one of the Top 15 Channel Managers of 2010 based on a ballot of PHONE+ channel partners readers.

Channel Partners

October 21, 2010

1 Min Read
Integra Telecoms Steve Warren Named Top 15 Channel Manager 2010

Name: Steve Warren

Integra Telecom Inc.

Title: Manager, Indirect Sales California & Nevada

Years in position: 2-1/2

Years in channel: 4

Annual revenue responsibility: $150,000

Main channel goal: The Golden Rule sums it up best for me. I want to treat our partners like I would want to be treated if I were an agent partner. My goal is to be as responsive, reliable, and easy to do business with as humanly possible.”

Biggest challenge: “The biggest and most enjoyable challenge was taking a new market and non-existent agent program and building it from the ground up.”

Top channel manager traits: “My experience running a marketing company, coupled with telecom background, provided the skills that allowed the program to develop.  Of course hard work and reading How to Win Friends and Influence People” once a year always helps.”

Words to live by: Dare mighty things.

Currently reading: “The Art of Innovation” by Tom Kelley

Favorite TV show: South Park” and Breaking Bad”

Favorite president: Abraham Lincoln he did the harder right instead of the easier wrong.

Favorite band: Eagles

Biggest fear: Failure

What agents say about Steve:

Steve’s professionalism and can-do attitude are second to none.”
Patrick Wefers,President, Infinium Communications

Steve is always responsive, knowledgeable and personable. He makes doing business with Integra a pleasure not a chore.”
Kim Rice, Business Development Coordinator, The Morrison Group

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