Vendor-Partner Relationships: A Mutual CommitmentVendor-Partner Relationships: A Mutual Commitment
As technology continues to evolve the way people consume information and conduct business, technology service providers are being regarded more as the trusted advisers providing customers direction t
October 5, 2012

By Dell Guest Blog
As technology continues to evolve the way people consume information and conduct business, technology service providers are being regarded more as the trusted advisers providing customers direction to stay ahead of the game, both now and in the future. And while some resellers let their customers decide what label is on their IT hardware, many resellers and MSPs have a technology vendor of choice they like to partner with. That commitment should go both ways. A good vendor won’t tell you how to run your business, but they will have a partner program that provides you with the tools and support you need to make your customers happy and help your business grow.If your vendor of choice offers a certification program or a higher tier of benefits to reward that extra commitment, take advantage of the programs that make sense for your business goals and capabilities. At Dell, our programs are built around choice and flexibility. We offer competencies in many different practice areas: storage, servers, desktop virtualization solutions, networking and security, systems management and cloud services and solutions.
When our partners make the commitment to become experts in our products, we give them an extra level of benefits and access to tools to help them grow their business to the next level. Becoming a Preferred or Premier partner with Dell doesn’t take hundreds of hours of training or cost thousands of dollars in course fees — all of our training classes are online or instructor-led and, more importantly, free. Our partner resource desk “white-gloves” our Preferred and Premier partners through the onboarding process, guiding them through training and answers any questions, while a dedicated Dell account team works hard to earn partners’ business every day.
If you are looking for a new vendor of choice that is ready to commit, check out Dell PartnerDirect learn more about our Partner Program and becoming certified.
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