IDC Analyst Swallows Angry FishIDC Analyst Swallows Angry Fish
August 22, 2007

Ever hear of Angry Trout? Neither had The VAR Guy until last night. While dining with Avnet representatives and members of the media in Colorado Springs, The VAR Guy spotted Angry Trout on the menu. It sounded interesting … but dangerous. The VAR Guy was curious but he wasn’t ready to bite. So he dared an International Data Corp. analyst to give it a try…
The IDC analyst was game. The order for Angry Trout went into the kitchen. Twenty minutes later, out came a dish that truly deserved the name Angry Trout. Naturally, The VAR Guy had his camera ready. Here’s a look.
As you can see, Angry Trout earns its name because the chef pulls its tail through its mouth. Lovely. Although the Angry Trout made eye contact with the IDC analyst, the analyst enjoyed the meal.
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