LabTech Software Unveils New Partner Portal, Free Training ProgramLabTech Software Unveils New Partner Portal, Free Training Program
LabTech Software has revamped its partner portal and online distance learning website.

LabTech Software has updated several of its online resources to better support its partners.
The Tampa, Florida-based remote monitoring and management (RMM) platform provider this week unveiled a new partner portal, along with a revamped online distance learning website and free certified professional training program.
LabTech Software’s new offerings are designed to ensure partners can enjoy “an exceptional user experience with support at their fingertips,” according to the company.
“We attribute our success today to our dedicated and growing group of partners, and to further show our appreciation and support, we have revamped both our LabTech Partner Portal and LabTech University, and are offering free online LabTech Certified Professional (LTCP) training,” LabTech Software CEO Matt Nachtrab said in a prepared statement.
The LabTech Partner Portal features:
Additional controls
New design
Single, unified main menu
LabTech University, meanwhile, now offers partners a faster login process, the company said.
Partners also can enroll in the LTCP training program to learn how to “run their businesses better, faster and more efficiently.”
What do LabTech Software’s new offerings mean for partners?
Brent F. Goodfellow, CEO of LabTech Software partner One Tech, said he believes the new offerings could have far-flung effects on his business.
“[The] new partner portal, university site and certified training program represent a huge step in the right direction,” he said.
Nachtrab noted LabTech Software is focused on product innovation to ensure its partners are fully supported.
“LabTech Software is not only focused on partner-driven product innovation and enhancements, but we’re also laser focused on creating exceptional user experiences across all interaction points and bringing enhancements and support to our partners in a clear, succinct way,” he said.
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