Four Reasons You Need PSA ToolsFour Reasons You Need PSA Tools
Businesses today will increasingly rely on data analytics to make process improvements and better serve their customers. MSPs need to adapt to this context and consider how customer data can help them become better service providers.
October 31, 2016

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Businesses today will increasingly rely on data analytics to make process improvements and better serve their customers. MSPs need to adapt to this context and consider how customer data can help them become better service providers.
One obvious tool to turn to is the PSA (professionals services automation) platform. Though often viewed primarily as helpdesk software, a PSA tool can do much more than that. It automates tasks, helps you run your entire managed services operation, integrates with other critical systems and captures plenty of valuable business data that can be put to good use. Here are four reasons why every MSP should use PSA tools:
1. Font of Information
As already noted, PSA tools collect lots of information. This is critical in the age of the data-driven business, as companies rely on insights gleaned from the data they collect to increase value for their customers.
Data captured from your PSA software will tell you things about your business you didn’t know. For instance, you’ll learn how much time you spend on each customer weekly and how long it takes to resolve support calls. You might find you aren’t charging enough for a certain service or that some customers keep making support calls that when added to the services you provide them, cost you more than what they pay you. Having this data can drive decisions to stop money-losing practices.
2. Central Data Repository
Data is vital to running your business properly, so you want to keep it in an easily accessible central location so you can run reports and charts whenever you need them. Once again, you need look no further than your PSA tool. Many MSPs use it as a central repository for client data, assets and inventory, billable time, and trouble tickets. PSA essentially keeps track of all the information you need about your customers.
3. Task Automation
MSPs understand the importance of automation because the business model revolves around automating services for your clients. The more repeatable tasks you automate, the more efficient you become as a provider.
But automation shouldn’t be limited to customer-facing processes. You should strive to automate as much of their internal processes as possible. For example, you can script tasks such as invoicing and trouble tickets through your PSA tool.
4. RMM Integration
Another major benefit of PSA software is integration with your RMM (remote monitoring and management) platform. This combines the management of service delivery and all related functionality in a single dashboard, so you don’t have to keep moving between screens to get information. Integration with RMM keeps all device data stored in the PSA tool complete and up to date; whenever there’s a change, the system automatically updates the relevant data. This is time-saving functionality that helps you run the business more efficiently and reduces the chance of error.
The benefits of a PSA tool in terms of task automation and information gathering are well worth the investment by MSPs. It will certainly make your business more efficient and responsive to your customers’ needs, so use it with confidence.
Marvin Blough is StorageCraft’s Vice President of Worldwide Sales, where his focus is on expanding the company’s global reach by establishing channel partnerships that enhance profitability for the channel partner.
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