Have Coffee With Us … and Evolve!Have Coffee With Us … and Evolve!

We’re doing the Evolution, podcast style.

Craig Galbraith, Editorial Director

June 16, 2016

3 Min Read

Craig GalbraithCasey Kasem. Rick Dees. Shadoe Stevens. Howard Stern. They are some of the biggest names ever to take advantage of Gugliemo Marconi’s invention.

Then there’s Craig Galbraith and Kevin Morris.

Somebody at Informa, Channel Partners’ parent company, decided it was OK for us to host our own podcast. Sure, it’s not radio; after all, anybody can do a podcast. And I guess that’s exactly the point.

Actually, now that I think about it, we may have just done the first one without asking permission.

Kevin, our business development lead for Channel Partners (you’ll usually hear me refer to him more casually as “that sales guy”) and I, the senior online managing editor, have brought our questionable humor to the Internet airwaves. We’re calling it “Coffee With Craig & Kevin (someone in the marketing department was asleep at the wheel) — and we’re inviting you to listen. Why?

Perhaps you’ve accidentally locked yourself in a small space with nothing more than a can of beans and Internet access. Maybe Netflix has rejected your membership on the basis that you’ve watched Spaceballs more than 1,000 times. Don’t fall into those categories? Well, we’ve got another reason for you to tune in. In the words of the inimitable Eddie Vedder, “It’s evolution, baby.”

Every two weeks leading up to Channel Partners Evolution, Aug. 14-17, in Washington, D.C., Kevin and will be talking about the reasons you should join us, title sponsor AT&T, and more than 3,000 participants in our nation’s capital. Sure, there’s the usual networking and education that attract loyal solution providers and vendors to our shows, but at Evolution, formerly Cloud Partners, we’re blowing the doors off with a number of firsts that include:

  • Expo Hall: Google makes its Channel Partners debut (Microsoft made its first appearance at the Channel Partners Conference & Expo in March); plus, the new Evolution Theater; Mobility City, sponsored by AT&T; and the IoT Experience Zone, just to name a few.

  • Business Success Symposium: Sponsored by Verizon, this pre-conference event (Aug. 14) invites you and your top officers to spend a day learning about new business strategies and technical advances, in an intimate environment, with sessions led by experts.

  • Compensation Survey: Along with our partners at the 451 Alliance, we’ll lay out the key findings and analysis from our 2016 U.S. Channel Compensation Survey, where nearly 300 peers weighed in to benchmark salaries by skill, job title, geography, gender and more.  

  • Acme Connected Apparel: Each of our keynote presenters will be asked to help a young startup, Acme Connected Apparel, build a digital business. From mobility to cloud to security and more, get ready to hear how these business solutions can effectively be put to use in the real world.

And there’s much more.

In our first podcast, Kevin and I welcomed Art Wittmann, group VP of Informa (yeah, the boss); and Rick Reed, Channel Partners’ sales VP (also Kevin’s boss), for an overview of the event and to talk about a few of these topics. Over the course of the next several weeks, we’ll be drilling down on specific sessions, inviting other members of the Channel Partners team as well as Evolution speakers, vendors and partner attendees to join us. Keep your eyes out for podcast No. 2, where Brittany Watts, Channel Partners’ marketing manager, tells us about special promotions that will get you more of the show for less money.

If it’s not obvious, we’re having fun. You’ll learn that Kevin enjoys Folgers and that I have an affinity for game shows — so much so that I tested his and Brittany’s knowledge with a game of “$25,000 Evolution Pyramid.”

All “bacon” jokes aside (that’s in podcast No. 1), we’re excited to talk Evolution. We hope you’ll listen, enjoy yourself, and learn everything you need to know about the industry’s premier event.

Follow senior online managing editor Craig Galbraith on Twitter.

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About the Author

Craig Galbraith

Editorial Director, Channel Futures

Craig Galbraith is the editorial director for Channel Futures, joining the team in 2008. Before that, he spent more than 11 years as an anchor, reporter and managing editor in television newsrooms in North Dakota and Washington state. Craig is a proud Husky, having graduated from the University of Washington. He makes his home in the Phoenix area.

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