AVG Managed Workplace Adds Support for Apple OS X, iOSAVG Managed Workplace Adds Support for Apple OS X, iOS
The remote monitoring and management platform developed by Level Platforms and acquired by AVG will now support management and monitoring of Mac OS X devices and add new support for iOS devices such as iPad and iPhone.
October 8, 2013

AVG Technologies (AVG) is extending its remote monitoring and management (RMM) platform, AVG Managed Workplace, with support for managing Mac OS X and iOS devices such as iPads and iPhones, the company announced today.
And while Level Platforms (acquired by AVG in June) first added mobile device management to its Managed Workplace 2012 in March of 2012 (including support for iOS, Android, Windows mobile and BlackBerry) today’s announcement offers details of a number of new support features for iOS devices.
AVG is pitching the Managed Workplace capabilities to managed services providers (MSPs) looking to serve customers with Mac-only or mixed Windows/Apple environments and to help them reduce mobile device security issues.
“Today’s announcement is yet another major advancement for AVG Managed Workplace and represents the Holy Grail for any MSP,” said Mike Foreman, AVG’s general manager, SMB, in a prepared statement. “With this release they can now remotely monitor and manage any combination of Windows, OSX, Android and iOS devices all through the same single pane of glass.”
Features include the remote locking and/or wiping of lost or stolen Mac OS X devices, AVG said in a prepared statement.
AVG Managed Workplace offers agentless monitoring and management of iOS mobile devices, simplifying the steps needed to bring these devices under management.
AVG said that its Mac OS X off-network monitoring and management enables the following:
Set a device status as lost and configure specific actions, such as locking or wiping the device, to be automatically performed when it next checks in
Receive alerts when the Mac OS X device is down
Collect comprehensive hardware and software information for Mac OS X devices, including all installed applications
View data for Mac OS X devices in more than ten different AVG Managed Workplace reports
Win new customers with Mac-only environments without having to install a Windows machine for the Onsite Manager
AVG said that it has updated iOS support in AVG Managed Workplace using new technology from Apple. Features let administrators do the following:
Protect iOS devices and data by enforcing security policies and conducting remote remediation
Remotely lock or wipe the device or remove the passcode
Receive alerts when the device is roaming to warn against potential cost or billing concerns
Mark devices as lost, alert on check-in and automatically take remedial action
Configure email and Wi-Fi settings automatically
Provision new iOS devices for monitoring and management with a few clicks
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