MSP 501 Profile: Grove Technologies Differentiates with Apple’s MacMSP 501 Profile: Grove Technologies Differentiates with Apple’s Mac
Grove Technologies considers itself agnostic at the core.
November 3, 2020

Company Name: Grove Technologies
Company MSP 501 Rank: 17
CEO Jon Brown
Headquartered: Washington, D.C.
Primary Services:
Mac support
Strategic assessment
Managed networks
Twitter: @thegrovetech
Grove Technologies differentiates itself by being a Mac MSP and a member of the Apple Consultants Network. Thus, this MSP 501 partner supports and keeps Macs in the workplace up and running. But that’s not all.
Mac Guru’s Jon Brown, who started the company in 2014, changed the name to Grove Technologies in 2016 because the company grew and realized that clients had a mix of Macs and PCs. There was a need to address both. The company refers to itself at “agnostic at our core.”
Grove Technologies’ Jon Brown
Here, CEO Jon Brown pulls back the curtain to talk about growth in 2019, partner networking and the growth that comes with being a business owner.
Channel Futures: What was the single biggest technology or business decision that drove your company’s growth in 2019? How did it do so?
Jon Brown: The biggest change for us was networking and team-building with other like-minded competitors. Most competitors are very sheltered and do not want to talk to their direct competition. Breaking down those barriers and adding a value proposition to the other MSPs in the area, and building bridges, is important. It will lead to more business opportunities that are a win-win for all parties involved. Not any one MSP can handle all projects. Bringing in expertise from another company helps show that you are more credible. And, if you can partner with three or four key companies, your clients are less likely to pit you against each other. And they will be more willing to work with you all together, leading to better results.
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CF: What is one thing you wish vendors would do that they don’t?
JB: I wish vendors would better define and develop real value-add propositions. Most vendors are looking to make money and an instant sale. What they don’t understand is that MSP work is a long game. It’s a game of patience, and in some cases, a labor of love. Getting customers to purchase something from an MSP requires a certain level of trust. Trust is established over time, as well as over the course of a successful track record. As an MSP bringing solutions to a customer where a vendor’s product is being presented, that vendor needs to be flexible on price, and on being able to white-label a solution — some vendors are, but not all. Finally, vendors need to realize they help build the brand of the MSP and not just themselves as the vendor. This is the biggest challenge we have when dealing with and managing vendors.
CF: If applicable, why are you a business owner instead of working for someone else? What is the allure of entrepreneurship to you?
JB: I loved working for companies because you are presented with challenges and the thrill of helping people. Also, being part of an office culture can’t be understated. However, over time, as you develop skills, you run into fewer challenges. A technician can become bored over time. This is what happened to me. Many translate boredom with stability; however, boredom really scared me. If I am not challenged, then how will I continue to grow? How will my skills remain relevant? I realized I had to take control over my own future. That was the moment I noticed that companies are not invested in your personal growth. They are invested in the profitably of their company.
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