LTS: The Long Term (Ubuntu) Solution

The VAR Guy

May 15, 2008

2 Min Read
LTS: The Long Term (Ubuntu) Solution

Ubuntu 8.04, codename Hardy Heron, is an LTS, or Long Term Support release. It gets three years of support and updates on the desktop. This release provides the perfect solution for those looking for a stable system that will stand the test of time, as well as provide new features for their computer.

I recommend this release over any other previous Ubuntu release for new users. It has the sease of use classic to Ubuntu, the Windows Ubuntu Installer, and three years of support on a stable desktop. So, what does this release mean for the Linux desktop?

Time has shown that most average computer users are not interested in upgrading to the latest and greatest system. Even now, Windows XP, a six year old system, is still used by 70% of Windows users. While that number is diminishing, it is diminishing slowly, and is a result of Windows Vista not providing a satisfactory upgrade for most users. Ubuntu is free, and is supported for the next three years, providing a stable, yet freely upgradable installation option. Also, Windows XP will be left unsupported at some point, leaving most users left with the feeling that they will have to upgrade.

Ubuntu 8.04 is the long term solution for Linux. People will, at some point, look to alternatives for their software as the older versions become outdated and unsupported. At the moment, most average users contemplate a switch to either Mac, Vista, or this thing called “Linux.” In my opinion, Ubuntu will become the new competitor in the desktop market for Linux, but it will take the effort of the thousands of volunteers to make this release the best yet as far as desktop penetration is concerned. If you want in on this Long Term Solution, go ahead and download or order Ubuntu 8.04 LTS now.

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