Linux Foundation Event to Highlight Docker, 3D Printing, MOOCsLinux Foundation Event to Highlight Docker, 3D Printing, MOOCs

Docker container virtualization, massive open online courses, 3D printing and running open source software in your car are among the featured topics at the upcoming LinuxCon and CloudOpen North America event. Each of those subjects appears on the list of keynotes for the conference, which the Linux Foundation just announced.

Christopher Tozzi, Contributing Editor

April 23, 2014

2 Min Read
Linus Torvalds creator of Linux is scheduled to speak at LinuxCon 2014
Linus Torvalds, creator of Linux, is scheduled to speak at LinuxCon 2014

Docker container virtualization, massive open online courses, 3D printing and running open source software in your car are among the featured topics at the upcoming LinuxCon and CloudOpen North America event. Each of those subjects appears on the list of keynotes for the conference, which the Linux Foundation just announced.

The conference, which combines LinuxCon and CloudOpen North America into a single event, will run August 20-22 in Chicago. The annual meeting has traditionally been a place for the Linux Foundation and its partners to plan new directions for Linux and open source development. It has also often served as the setting for major announcements from leading technology companies.

Attendees of the 2014 conference can look forward to the following keynotes, which the Linux Foundation confirmed this week, on some of the most innovative areas of open source development at the moment:

  • Anant Agarwal, CEO of edX, on “reinventing education through massive open online courses.” This presentation follows the announcement earlier this year of a partnership between edX and the Linux Foundation to build a massive open online course (MOOC) on Linux training.

  • Solomon Hykes, founder of the Docker open source container virtualization platform, on the benefits of application-based virtualization, which is almost certainly the fastest growing segment within the virtualization ecosystem at the moment.

  • Jonathan Kuniholm, president, Open Prosthetics Project, on how open source can help drive innovation and the sharing of designs within the prosthetics field. This is another example of how open source development is expanding into very new territory.

  • Anthony Moschella, vice president, product, MakerBot, on open source designs for 3D printing.

  • Jay Rogers, CEO and co-founder of Local Motors, on the impact of open collaboration on vehicle development.

The event will also include keynotes on somewhat more traditional, but nonetheless important, fare: Eileen Evans of Hewlett-Packard (HPQ) on professional skills and the open source culture; Jim Zemlin, executive director at the Linux Foundation, on how foundations support open source development; and Linus Torvalds on Linux kernel development.

The event schedule is a good reminder that Linux today is about much more than just PCs and servers—neither of which, in fact, is a major part of any of the keynotes. The Linux Foundation and its parners are now active in much broader areas that are deeply intertwined with other elements of industry and culture, from prosthetics development to education in the age of the cloud.

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About the Author

Christopher Tozzi

Contributing Editor

Christopher Tozzi started covering the channel for The VAR Guy on a freelance basis in 2008, with an emphasis on open source, Linux, virtualization, SDN, containers, data storage and related topics. He also teaches history at a major university in Washington, D.C. He occasionally combines these interests by writing about the history of software. His book on this topic, “For Fun and Profit: A History of the Free and Open Source Software Revolution,” is forthcoming with MIT Press.

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