Google Apps Consultant Cloud Sherpas Deploys ChromebooksGoogle Apps Consultant Cloud Sherpas Deploys Chromebooks
Cloud Sherpas, a Google Apps and consulting firm, has deployed roughly 50 Google Chromebooks internally and is rolling out the cloud-centric notebooks to some customers. Is this the start of a larger trend for Google's cloud desktop and mobile strategy?
June 14, 2012
Cloud Sherpas, Google Apps Authorized Reseller
Cloud Sherpas, a Google Apps and consulting firm, has deployed roughly 50 Google Chromebooks internally and is rolling out the cloud-centric notebooks to some customers. Is this the start of a larger trend for Google’s cloud desktop and mobile strategy? Here’s the update and speculation from The VAR Guy.First, some background: Chromebooks and Chromeboxes are low-cost hardware (notebooks and desktops) that run Chrome OS and leverage SaaS applications. Chromebooks have been around for about a year, and the first Samsung Chromebox surfaced a few weeks ago. The devices are super-light on the client and depend heavily on cloud applications.
Google has never really discussed Chromebook sales figures, but most pundits think the devices haven’t really gained critical mass.
Chromebox Resellers Emerging?
Still, Google has a growing base of resellers and channel partners, many of which are kicking the Chromebooks tires. One prime example: Cloud Sherpas, which ranks among the world’s top 100 cloud services providers and cloud integrators, according to Talkin’ Cloud.
During the recent Ingram Micro Cloud Summit in Scottsdale, Ariz., Cloud Sherpas executives told The VAR Guy that their company was using roughly 50 Chromebooks internally. Indeed, Senior VP Eran Gill and VP of Technology David Hoff arrived to the conversation armed with a Chromebook. (Special thanks to Gartner VP Tiffani Bova for the introductions over Starbucks coffee.)
“We have about 50 Chromebooks deployed here, and about a dozen of our customers have done deployments,” said Hoff in a follow-up email today. “Most are specific use cases, and there has also been lots of traction in the EDU space.”
The VAR Guy also has joined the Chromebook and Chromebox conversation. Our resident blogger recently purchased a Samsung Chromebox to live in a full cloud environment for the next few weeks. (Stay tuned for more perspectives.)
In the meantime, The VAR Guy is seeking additional updates on Chromebook and Chromebox deployments. Our resident blogger expects to find answers later this month at the Google I/O 2012 conference in San Francisco.
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