Rackspace Enhances MongoDB NoSQL DBaaS FeaturesRackspace Enhances MongoDB NoSQL DBaaS Features
Rackspace is hoping to court more business users of its managed MongoDB NoSQL database service by expanding encryption, disaster recovery and other features on its Dedicated ObjectRocket for MongoDB offering.

Rackspace is hoping to court more business users of its managed MongoDB NoSQL database service by expanding encryption, disaster recovery and other features on its Dedicated ObjectRocket for MongoDB offering.
The company introduced its MongoDB platform in 2015. This week, however, it updated the DBaaS with new features tailored for businesses. They include three major updates:
Support for storage engines, a MongoDB feature that lets users define how particular types of data are stored. Storage engines make it easier to take advantage of in-memory and on-disk storage on a case-by-case basis in order to maximize performance.
Encryption-at-rest, which allows users to encrypt stored data fully. The encryption option is "ideal for businesses with security or compliance needs," Rackspace says.
Broader disaster recovery support in order to help users recover databases quickly in the event of a major failure.
These features are not new to MongoDB. You could implement them previously by setting up and maintaining a MongoDB environment manually.
But Rackspace hopes to stand out in the managed hosting crowd by building these features into its DBaaS offering. That saves companies from having to choose between a managed MongoDB implementation with limited features, or an in-house one that comes with more features but is harder to maintain.
The broader lesson for the channel, then, is that hosts like Rackspace are encouraging customers to stop thinking of managed solutions as something that requires a sacrifice. That could eventually change the "as a service" market entirely.
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