Power Lunch and Learn in ChicagoPower Lunch and Learn in Chicago

The Selling Techniques Networking Luncheon at the Channel Partners Conference & Expo provides an opportunity for partners to learn and lunch.

Channel Partners

July 26, 2011

2 Min Read
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By Larry Lannon, Group Publisher, Communications Network, Virgo Publishing

Channel Partners is innovating at the upcoming Fall 2011 Channel Partners Conference & Expo in late August. One of the most promising of the several new elements of the program will be the Selling Techniques Networking Luncheon. The luncheon will be held Thursday, Aug. 25, from 11:30 to 1:30, and is being sponsored by World Telecom Group.

This luncheon does not follow the typical business luncheon formula: soda, salad, elevator speech and business-card swap and on to the next thing.

How will the Selling Techniques Networking Luncheon be different?

Most importantly, participants at each table will discuss a particular, pre-designated topic, like the cloud, energy and hosted VoIP. The discussion will be lead by a moderator, who will prepare questions specific to each topic for the discussion. Participants will be able to exchange ideas and information around the precise topics of most interest to them, and take the discussion to the depth appropriate to each table and participant.

The Selling Techniques Networking Luncheon is, thus, a way to accomplish three things simultaneously:

  • Enjoy a sociable lunch.

  • Enjoy meeting professional colleagues in an informal networking venue.

  • Exchange actionable information about a topic particularly important to your business with  equally interested and motivated channel professionals.

But there is a wrinkle: While the luncheon is free, attendees must register for it. Registration is simple. But you have to register, so click here.

PAETEC and Quest are sponsoring discussions on cloud and BlueStar is sponsoring an energy table.

Channel Partners is an opportunity for channel professionals. Taking advantage of that opportunity means taking advantage of the program and of the networking opportunities. The Selling Techniques Networking Luncheon provides an opportunity to do both simultaneously. Learn more about the luncheon. And register now.

Larry Lannon is group publisher of VIRGOs Communications Network, which includes Channel Partners, Billing & OSS World and Vision2Mobile.

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