January's Top 10 Chart-Toppers: Azure Jitters, NetApp Cloud OppsJanuary's Top 10 Chart-Toppers: Azure Jitters, NetApp Cloud Opps
Here are the 10 most-read posts on Channel Futures in January.

Whoever said January was a slow month in business media isn’t in the channel. Readers visited the Channel Futures site in impressive numbers, driven primarily by a thirst for business advice and the inside scoop on personnel shakeups.
Azure made our top 10 stories twice with news about its new IoT platform and also its direct-to-SMB managed services play. We’ve got words of wisdom about the new must-have SaaS applications and how to become a thought leader. And getting the goods about security, unsurprisingly, drove many of you to read about security certifications you actually need and whether or not gamification actually bears fruit.
Our list of chart-toppers comes courtesy of you, the reader. These are the 10 most-read Channel Futures stories from January.
Click on our slide show above to see what was No. 1!
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