How Do You Know When the Time Is Right to Find a Managed Cloud Provider?How Do You Know When the Time Is Right to Find a Managed Cloud Provider?
When it comes to love matches, your mother used to say, “You’ll know when you know,” but does this also hold true in the professional world? Should you rely on gut instinct when it comes selecting the long-term business partners to drive your future success?
November 4, 2016

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When it comes to love matches, your mother used to say, “You’ll know when you know,” but does this also hold true in the professional world? Should you rely on gut instinct when it comes selecting the long-term business partners to drive your future success?
When I take a look at many of NaviSite’s long-term customers, I realize that, in many cases, we did have great chemistry off the bat, but both sides have also had to work diligently to make the long-term relationship strong. This process of “finding each other” had to start with a realization that the time was right to find a cloud partner for the long haul.
Through conversations with many customers and prospects over the last several months, I’ve started to recognize that those that have been successful in bringing a managed cloud provider on board started by considering several key factors and forcing themselves to deliberate some significant questions before embarking on their search. Questions like:
Data: How are we currently backing it up, restoring it and making sure it’s secure?
Support: How much do we need today?
Cost: Will this save us money in the near- and long-term?
Time: How could this change the IT team’s day to day workload?
Control: Will we still have visibility and control over our company’s most sensitive information?
How satisfied are you with your answers to the above today? Are you starting to think it may be time to consider outside IT help? I’d love to hear your thoughts on some additional questions that I should consider adding to the above list. Tweet me @RoacheRob to regularly hear my industry insights (and see an occasional photo or two of my love match of 22 years, Jillian, and I enjoying a concert).
These questions are truly just the start as we at NaviSite know what a crucial decision choosing a managed cloud provider is for your business. If you’re currently thinking of taking the plunge, download the white paper When is a Managed Cloud Provider Right for Your Business?
Rob Roache is Group Vice President, NaviSite, and System Integrator Sales Time Warner Cable Business Class
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