Friday's Last Word: Excel Micro's Michael AmadioFriday's Last Word: Excel Micro's Michael Amadio

August 10, 2012

4 Min Read
Friday's Last Word: Excel Micro's Michael Amadio

By samdizzy


It’s nearly time to exit for the weekend. But before Talkin’ Cloud unplugs for a little rest and relaxation, here’s a little something called “Friday’s Last Word.” This weekly quick-hit interview features channel executives who have deep cloud services expertise. Stepping into this week’s spotlight: Michael Amadio, director of marketing, Excel Micro.

Amadio has helped Excel Micro to become a top distributor of SaaS applications from Cisco, Google, McAfee, YouSendIt and ZixCorp. But what does Amadio do when he isn’t focused on cloud channel partners? Here’s the update.

1. Last Concert Attended: Roger Waters The Wall Live. I have always been a huge fan of Pink Floyd and was excited to see a performance of one of my favorite albums. Talkin’ Cloud’s Spin: I’m guilty of the same pleasure, having attended Roger Waters The Wall in Connecticut in July. Unforgettable. Next time you need a live Floyd fix and Waters isn’t around, check out The Machine Live.

2. Last Movie Seen: The Dark Knight Rises. They ended the trilogy perfectly. Talkin’ Cloud’s Spin: OK, Mike. We’re two for two here. Dark Knight is a staff favorite here.

3. Last Book Read: American Assassin by Vince Flynn.  I am a sucker for espionage thrillers and Vince Flynn has a series of books that are addicting. Talkin’ Cloud’s Spin: We’ll give it a look… if we ever stop blogging long enough.

4. Last Big Career Break: Being hired by Excel Micro about five years ago and growing with a great company. Talkin’ Cloud’s Spin: Most channel experts are only now beginning to understand the cloud distributor model. Your crystal ball certainly seems clearer than most. (Any chance you can tell use what to focus on right now for 2017?)

5. Last Conference Attended: ASCII Success Summit in DC. It was a good turn out and I was able to meet a lot of existing partners and establish relationships with new ones. Talkin’ Cloud’s Spin: Alas, bloggers don’t qualify for the famed ASCII Cup. (But we’re lobbying for it.)

6. Last TV show you really loved: Lost. In my opinion there hasn’t been a show as creative or captivated me like Lost. Talkin’ Cloud’s Spin: True confession — I haven’t seen a single minute of Lost. But series co-creator J.J. Abrams earned my applause with his Star Trek reboot.

7. Last really big idea you or your company had: Our team of developers are creating an Excel Micro Management Environment Console for all of our partners to be able to manage each solutions they resell through us from one centralized platform. Talkin’ Cloud’s Spin: OK, you’ve got our attention. Can we do a media briefing on that?

8. Last gadget purchased: Garmin Golf GPS Watch. It gives me exact yardage to the pin on most golf courses around the world. Talkin’ Cloud’s Spin: My father-in-law is a huge golfer. He’ll be in town this week. Time to reduce the family handicap a bit with this gadget?

9: Last app you installed: Fantasy Football.  I am a fantasy football geek and I cannot wait for the season to start. Talkin’ Cloud’s Spin:  We’re New York Jets fans. Any chance we can work a trade where you take Tim Tebow off our hands — not virtually, for real. Great guy, lousy quarterback, big distraction.

10. Last cloud service you accessed: The last solution we accessed was flat out awesome and we will be rolling it out shortly so you will have to stay tuned. Talkin’ Cloud’s Spin: Hold on a second here. We’re masters of the “stay tuned” blog. Now you’ve turned the tables on us… and yes, you’ve got our attention. Let us know when you’re ready to share more details…

Memo to readers: Read all of our Friday’s Last Word Interview archives here. Also, want to have the last word on Talkin’ Cloud? Email Editorial Director Joe Panettieri, joe [at] NineLivesMediaInc [dot] com.

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