Cloud Livin' - A JoliCloud Chrome Experiment

Dave Courbanou

December 14, 2010

2 Min Read
Cloud Livin' - A JoliCloud Chrome Experiment


Most people don’t make their work machine their test bed, but my work tends to be my tests. For the next couple of weeks, I’ll be working and blogging exclusively with JoliCloud running on my MacBook and using Google Chrome web apps. What’s the deal?

Not all of us got shiny new Cr-48 Netbooks from Google, but we do have the next best thing for free. It’s JoliCloud, which emulates a lot of the same thing Chrome OS does. The only difference is an Ubuntu base and a lot more access to “under the hood” stuff.

But here’s the point: JoliCloud runs Chromium (the developer build of Chrome) and that means it runs the web apps that Google so proudly displayed. It also has the same “look and feel” web-only cloud-based application processes that Chrome OS is setting out to achieve. So ostensibly, my experience on JoliCloud should translate over to Chrome OS in a snap.

So here’s what I’ll be reporting back on for everyone looking to get cloud-in the IT Channel:

  1. Usability: Is it really feasible to get ‘real’ work done without local apps on the hard drive?

  2. Accessibility: Can I get at what I need all the time, or are there compromises?

  3. Work Flow: Am I working better or worse now that I’m living in the cloud?

A review off the cuff? It feels more distraction free than normal. Since the browser is the heart of the OS, I’m only focused on my tabs and nothing else. No dock, no start button, no nagging updates, no clutter on the screen. It’s actually refreshing.

Post in the comments if there’s something you want me to test out. I’ll be reporting back in about a week.

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