Zenith Infotech CEO Invests In Start-upZenith Infotech CEO Invests In Start-up
Zenith Infotech CEO Akash Saraf has invested in Kutenda, a start-up that allows managed service providers to offer web marketing services to their customers. Mike Cooch, CEO of Everon Technology Services, an MSPmentor 100 company, is founder of Kutenda. Here’s a bit more about the launch.
According to a press release issued by Cooch, Kutenda will offer easy-to-implement online marketing automation tools and Internet marketing training so MSPs — and their customers — succeed online.
Kutenda’s beta program, open exclusively to MSPs, begins June 1. According to Cooch’s prepared media statement, the Kutenda Internet Marketing Platform will help MSPs profit from:
Web site design, development and analytics
Email marketing
Search Engine Optimization
Search advertising management
Local search optimization
I don’t know if Kutenda lives up to Cooch’s vision. But I think he’s onto something here. MSPs are so busy servicing their customers with traditional technology that they typically lack the type of marketing expertise outlined in the bullets above.
I’ll check back with Cooch once the beta program is rolling.
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