How MSPs Can Find The Right VendorHow MSPs Can Find The Right Vendor
As an MSP, finding a vendor that offers a full and evolving solution is your best bet when it comes to creating a total data protection plan through business continuity and disaster recovery. A full solution is not only best for your client, but for your profitability and revenue, as well.
October 23, 2015

By Datto Guest Blog 2
As an MSP, finding a vendor that offers a full and evolving solution is your best bet when it comes to creating a total data protection plan through business continuity and disaster recovery. A full solution is not only best for your client, but for your profitability and revenue, as well.
Instead of being nickel and dimed for custom BDR features, choosing a vendor that offers a full solution is the way to go. A vendor that lets you pick and choose solutions may sound great, but it only complicates things for you and your client, making it difficult to predict costs and revenue going forward.
As an MSP, efficiency is paramount for your business. This efficiency translates to your customers, too. Do you really want something that requires you to pick and pack a solution, or would you rather have a turnkey solution that includes everything you need to make your customers happy and maximizes ROI?
If features are being offered individually, you’re getting separate pieces sold as products instead of a single comprehensive and thought-out solution. On top of this, you are likely spending money on existing features that should be built in to the original offering. Also, when you unbundle your service, you may now have to work with multiple vendors based on end users. You want to work with a single vendor that is an all-in-one shop that will offer every feature you will need–now and in the future.
As new features are incorporated, such as file sync and share, they should be adding onto an already existing feature set, instead of being offered as stand-alone services sold as a separate offering.
A complete solution at a fixed price means vendors will constantly be earning your business every month and will continue to build value in their solutions without asking for more and more money as they do it. We are focused on lowering the total cost of ownership (TCO) for our partners and users, not on upsell opportunities.
At the end of the day, you want a solution that meets your needs right out of the box. A turnkey solution provides you with peace of mind knowing that you have everything you need to solve a business problem at a reasonable price. You also want a vendor that will build new features into your existing product. To be a successful MSP and provide a capable cloud platform, you have to work with technology best suited to your clients’ needs and create deeper, stickier customer relationships.
Don’t settle when it comes to finding the correct vendor and backup solution. If a vendor isn’t looking out for your best interests (and therefore your customers’ best interests), is it truly a partner? If a vendor is constantly trying to sell you more, what good is that for your company and revenue in the long run?
To learn more about Total Data Protection, check out this great free ebook, Rethinking Data Protection: The Need to Safeguard Your Business Data Everywhere it Lives.
Guest blogs such as this one are published monthly and are part of MSPmentor’s annual platinum sponsorship.
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