Top 501 MSPs: Survey Is OpenTop 501 MSPs: Survey Is Open
The 7th annual MSPmentor 501 survey is live. Participate to see if your managed services provider (MSP) business ranks among the world's top MSPs. Also, see MSP rankings by company size and region -- worldwide.

The seventh-annual MSPmentor 501 survey is open. Participate and perhaps your company could be ranked among the world’s top 501 managed services providers. How has the survey changed this year, and what types of honors can participating MSPs expect? I’m glad you asked. Here’s the update.
MSPmentor Managing Editor Jessica Davis is running this year’s survey. She and the MSPmentor team will unveil the results in February 2014. Deadline for participation is Dec. 27, 2013.
In addition to identifying the world’s top 501 MSPs we’ll also identify:
1. Top MSPs by region:
North America
Central and South America
EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa)
AANZ (Asia, Australia, New Zealand)
2. Top MSPs by company size
Small (10 or fewer employees)
SMB (11 to 100 employees)
Mid-size (101 to 1000 employees)
Large/enterprise (1001+ employees)
3. Some other potential surprises
Stay tuned
How the Survey Works
The survey results and rankings are based on a range of metrics including:
Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) for 2013
MRR growth (in dollars) in 2013 vs. 2012
MRR growth (percentage rate) in 2013 vs. 2012
Number of users managed (2013 vs 2012)
Number of devices managed (2013 vs 2012)
Revenue per employee (2013 vs 2012)
Our metrics-based approach ensures that small, midsize and large MSPs are honored on the global and regional lists
Preparing to Take the Survey
It takes 30 minutes or less to complete the survey. Some MSPs can complete and submit an entry in 10 minutes or less. What’s the secret to finishing fast and accurately? Look at our PDF version to help gather the data you need before completing the online survey. (Sorry, but you can’t submit a PDF entry to us.)
After Completing the Survey
Once you complete and submit the MSPmentor 501 survey no further action is required. Your web browser will display a thank you from Managing Editor Jessica Davis. And the honorees will be announced in February 2014.
MSP Research Data
Bonus: You’ll also see extensive research results emerge from the MSPmentor 501 survey. This year’s survey gathers far more information about pricing metrics, growth rates, cloud services, mobile and more.
Thanks in advance for participating. And a tip of the hat to Managing Editor Jessica Davis for running this year’s MSPmentor 501 survey.
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