Telarus Releases Mobile Back OfficeTelarus Releases Mobile Back Office
March 19, 2009
Telarus Inc. has anounced the launch of Telarus Mobile Back Office, a built-for-mobile-phone Web site allows Telarus agents full access to the sales funnel management system, commission accounting system, order status management system, and the recently patented real-time quote system.
“The Telarus Mobile Back Office gives our agents the opportunity to conduct business when they are away from the office,” said Adam Edwards, president of Telarus. “This flexibility comes in handy when customers need assistance and can’t wait for the agent to get home in order to access important information. As this industry matures, enabling agents to service their clients will be paramount for establishing and maintaining relationships that will survive the inevitable brush with the direct sales channel.”
The Telarus Mobile Back Office features sales funnel management (similar to, automated price quote generation and subsequent proposal generation, manual price quote status and feedback, customer relationship management (tasks, important dates, delayed-send email, notes), commission accounting software, important vendor news and/or promotion alerts, access to the contact records of all VAR partners, and a vendor channel manager rolodex.
“Using this new tool, our agents are now able to view a new prospect record, run a carrier service quote using GeoQuote, check up on the status of any previously submitted order, see if that order has successfully begun paying commission, and more – all while they are away from home,” added Lance Akins, vice president of sales for Telarus.
All customer/prospect records that appear in the mobile back office are linked to many built-in mobile phone features, such as click-to-dial and click-to-email. That means that users of the software can click on any phone number and instantly initiate an outbound call to that number. Likewise, all new leads that are assigned to a Telarus agent using the mobile back office trigger a text message to alert the agent that they have a new lead pending follow-up.
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